Final Goodbyes

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Amy POV:

   Me and my team/friends were all packed up and ready to for our mission but of course, our parents wanted to see us first. We all changed into different outfits that would be much more comfortable for us when we arrived at Auradon. I was wearing similar clothing like the day before except I wore a black hoodie over my outfit. Galaxy wore another pair of the same clothes but with a black leather jacket over it that had her name designed into the jacket. Shadow and Silver were wearing the same thing except silver had rolled up his sleeves just a few centimeters above his elbows. I walked with my crew to a not so tall tower but at least 3 stores high and entered only to find our parents with a couple of our weapons.
   "Oh that's great you actually listened to what I suggested" said Galaxy
   "You will be needing these for your mission at Auradon" said Anda ignoring Galaxy's comment
   My friends took their tools and weapons but as I looked around for my hammer I saw my mother holding it but for some reason it was different. It seemed darker and had a bit a black which it didn't have before.
  "What did you do to my hammer" I asked
  " Oh this thing, I had Sora here fix it up a bit. Now instead of staying one size it shrinks and is much more portable" Rosetta explained
   "And will also grow back to normal size on command" interrupted Sora
   " Um, I guess" I said a bit confused on why she did this
  I know she cares for me since after all if she hated me she wouldn't have raised. She felt like a true mom only with her own evil touches.
  "Also I have decided to allow you to take my spell book. It will help you break the small barrier around the magic staff" added Rosetta
I took the spell book in my hands and saw that the cover had a black Rose with thorns wrapped around it. My first thought was" Yup this is definitely my mom's design".
I had already known how to use the magic the book contained since my mom had taught me how to preform the spells without it going wrong.
I held the book and the small hammer in my hand and then placed the book in my backpack and the hammer in my suitcase 🧳. I stood back up and my mother gave me a side hug and a pat on the head as she said and emotionless"Stay safe".

Galaxy Pov:

I grabbed my whip and as I was placing it in my suitcase I could feel my mother glaring at me. So I got up and looked at her waiting to hear what she would say.
"I want you to have this" Anda said, handing me a round gadget that looked somewhat like a small mirror.
" what is it for?" I asked confused as I took the small object in my hands.
"It can help you track items and it will also answer any question you may have. It has voice recognition so only you and the rest of the team can use it" explained Anda
-"DON'T loose it" She added
"Thx" I said
I put the small gadget in one of the side pockets of my backpack. I got up and faced my mom. "Don't fall for any tricks" said Anda as she patted my cheek softly. "I won't" I said confused at her sudden gesture. But I ignored it and walked over to Amy who was sitting on a couch. I sat beside her as she flipped through the pages of her mothers spell book. "You should let me borrow that sometime" I joked. Amy chuckles and said" Yeah, in your dreams".

Shadow POV:

I saw as everyone else grabbed their supplies and packed them in their bags. But I didn't need a weapon since I had magic. But my father seemed to be grabbing something from some sort of locked briefcase. He grabbed a green glowing object and walked towards me. I prepared myself for what my father was about to say.
  "Shadow I would prefer if you didn't go to Auradon empty handed so I will give you this" said Mephiles
  I took the object from his hands and once I held it, the object stopped glowing to reveal a green emerald.
  "What is it for?" I asked
  "This emerald will allow you to teleport in and out of places while also giving you a couple of additional powers" Mephiles explained
  "I will keep it safe and away from others" I said guessing that my father was going to tell me that.
  "Good" Mephiles said amused at the fact that he didn't need to remind his son
  "An also don't get killed by some weak royal idiots" added Mephiles sternly
My father walked away after I nodded in response to his command. I sighed and walked towards Galaxy and Amy. I leaned on the wall next to the couch they were sitting on and closed my eyes so I could think about how this mission would go with the tools our parents were handing down to us.

Silver POV:

I waited for my father to approach me with the gadgets he promised to give me. I waited for my dad tapping my foot rapidly on the ground. And I was so relieved when I saw him carrying a pretty small sack.
  "Here take them" said Sora as he handed me the sack
  "What do I use them for?" I asked
  " You can use them for breaking into areas where you cannot use magic and also to hack into security cameras so you won't get caught" explained Sora
  " Ooh~" I said as I could feel my eyes sparkle at the grey and bright teal colored gadgets
  "Yup they are a beauty" said Sora noticing his son's reaction
  "And also silver don't get caught or hurt" added Sora in a softer tone
  "I doubt I will get caught but thanks anyway Dad" I said
My father gave me a weak smile and a pat on the back as he walked back to his lab which was just behind a hidden door in the tower.
  I walked back to where my friends where I saw some of the things their parents gave them, But mine was better in my opinion .(😏)

Narrator POV:

  The 4 teens packed away their supplies and heard a car horn beep from the outside of the tower. They all stood up and walked down the steps of the tower and were fascinated to see a limo waiting for them in front of the tower.

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