A Day To Remember

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This chapter is really long but still equally excited
Narrator POV:

Once everyone was inside the castle they waited for the prince to make his entrance. Amy was seated up in the front row while her friends were seated a few rows behind. Shadow, Galaxy, and Silver all looked at each other with anxious looks while Amy just bit her lip by the amount of nervousness she was feeling. Just the 2 guards opened the doors of the castle to reveal Sonic who walked through the crowd with his head held high. He may seem like a professional but he was dying of excitement inside. Everyone bowed their head as Sonic walked through once he reached where Amy was she also bowed her head causing Sonic to let out a small smile. Once Sonic reached his parents and Nimue he bowed his head as everyone looked up at him. Nimue took bow and took off the king's crown and walked over to Sonic. Amy could see the staff sparkle which just made her even more anxious. Nimue placed the crown on Sonic's head and then turned her attention to the staff. She grabbed it and said a couple of words as she turned back to Sonic.
"Sonic do you promise to protect this kingdom at all cost and to always make the right decisions" asked Nimue
"I promise" said Sonic
"Sonic I now pronounce you, King of Auradon" declared Nimue as everyone bowed once more and she tapped both of Sonic's shoulders using the staff.
Amy waited for the right moment for her to grab the staff
Suddenly she rushed up over to Nimue and snatched the staff
Everyone gasped and looked at her with shock
"Child what are you doing" asked Nimue as she tried to reach out to Amy
Amy held the staff and out came a white beam of light which Amy did not expect to happen
What Amy had just done was break the barrier that surrounded the Isle of the lost
Amy's friends rushed over behind her
"Amy please don't do this" said Sonic as he got closer to Amy
"STAY BACK" shouted Amy
*On the Isle*

"She did it, she broke the barrier" said Mephiles as Rosetta rushed over to get her staff
Rosetta picked up her staff and disappeared in a puff of green smoke
All you could hear as she left was her sinister laugh

*In Auradon*

"You guys don't have to do this" said Sonic trying to calm down the 4 villain kids
"WE DON'T HAVE A CHOICE" shouted Amy as she threatened people around her with the staff
Galaxy looked down at the ground and then looked up and noticed all their friends they were looking at them hoping they would do the right thing
"Your parents made their choice, now it's your turn to make yours" Sonic said with a serious look
Amy and her friends stayed silent until Amy looked up at Nimue and then at Sonic's parents
"I'm not good" said Amy with a low voice
"Yes you are" said Sonic
"YOU DON'T KNOW THAT" shouted Amy with a sad glow in her eyes
"I do know" Sonic said
"I know because I am listening to what my heart is telling me about you guys" continued Sonic
Amy and her friends looks all softened as Amy lowered the staff
"You right" admitted Amy
Amy turned to her friends and said
"We are not our parents, we can choose who we want to be" Amy said as he looked at them with a warm smile on her face
"Shadow doesn't feeling like you finally belong make you feel welcome" Amy said as Shadow gave her a small grin
"Silver don't you feel that when you mess around with Duke it fills you with a warm sensation" Amy said as Silver gave her a look telling her that she was right
"And Galaxy I know that you have definitely felt a change because I have known you for SO long that you feel like a sister to me" Amy said with a soft look on her face as she gave Galaxy a bright smile
Galaxy only gave Amy a small laugh and a smile knowing that she also wanted to change
"I know for sure none of you want to be evil" Amy said finally making them feel that she was completely right about this decision
"And I want to stay here and be with the people that make me feel happy just like how being with you 3 makes me feel happy" Amy said as she looked at her 3 friends
"I choose to be good you guys" said Amy as she placed her hand in between them
She looked up at them waiting to see what they would say
Shadow sighed and said
"I also choose to be good" as he placed his hand on top of Amy's
Galaxy smiled and placed her hand on top of Shadow's while also saying
"Having a bit of a change will be nice"
Silver looked at his friends and decided to say something before he placed his hand
"Just to be clear should we be worried about how MAD our parents are going to be"
Sonic chuckled and said
"Your parents can't reach you guys here"
"Well then I am definitely going to choose good" said Silver as he placed his hand on top of Galaxy's
Amy looked back at Sonic and saw that he had a smile on his face knowing that they were all going to be good people from now on
Everyone was happy by the change of attitude in the 4 Vk's (except for Cathy)
Suddenly a puff of green smoke filled the room and made its way in front of the Vk's
Once the puff of green smoke cleared it revealed everyone's worst nightmare
"I'm baack~" said Rosetta in a singsong voice
"Mother go away" Amy said annoyed that her mother had to appear
"Give me the staff" said Rosetta extending her arm to Amy
Amy threw the staff over to Nimue who was about to cast a spell until Rosetta used her staff to freeze everyone except for the Vk's
Rosetta walked over to Nimue and took the staff away from her
She then walked over to Sonic and tilted his crown making it lopsided
"Seriously Amy falling in love is not what you want" said Rosetta
"YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT I WANT" shouted Amy to her mother
"You never once asked me what I wanted to do" exclaimed Amy in frustration
"I don't want to be evil" said Amy as she used a spell to get the staff away from her mother and back to her hands
"GIVE ME THE STAFF" commanded Rosetta
"NO" shouted Amy
Rosetta then inched closer to Amy but then Duke rushed over to the and pounced on top of Rosetta making her hav ego push the dog back
This made Silver upset but instead Shadow chose to attack Rosetta by trying to take her evil staff away from her
"You father would be very disappointed" was all Rosetta said as she pushed Shadow away as he ripped the staff away from her hands
"YOU WILL ALL REGRET THIS" shouted Rosetta as a large puff of green smoke surrounded her
Once the smoke cleared it revealed a large dragon that darted toward Shadow as he tossed the staff to Silver and dodged Rosetta's attacks
Shadow ran behind the dragon until she turned around and shot fire at him making him run back to where his friends were all trying to block any attacks from hurting any of the people that were frozen
"SHADOW RUN" shouted Amy as Galaxy stood in front of her and pulled out her mother's gadget which was now hers and shone a bright light at the dragons eyes in order to help Shadow
Amy then stood in front of Galaxy as she noticed the dragon get closer to them
Amy looked straight into her mother's eyes(or dragon eyes)
The longer the two stared at each other the more their eyes began to glow
Amy then whispered a spell in order for her mom to weaken
Rosetta then gave a loud shriek as she disappeared in a puff of black smoke
The 4 Vk's were surprised and once the smoke cleared they saw that Nimue was able to move again
They were happy that someone was able to move even if it was only Nimue
The Vk's looked down and saw small lizard as they got closer to the small creature
"Did you do that"  Galaxy asked Amy
Nimue rushed over to the Vk's and said
"No Rosetta shrunk into the amount of love that was in her heart"
"And in this case it was a very small amount" continued Nimue
"Will she stay like that forever" asked Amy
"Forever is a long time but she will return to normal once she learns how to love just like you and your friends did" said Nimue
Amy smiled as Nimue turned around and reversed the spell using her staff
Everyone began to move again and Sonic adjusted his crown back to normal
Sonic then rushed over to Amy to give her a hug
"I'm so glad that you are ok" Sonic said
Amy gave a small laugh and saw that a guard was about to put a jar on top of where her mom was placed in order to keep her inside
"Hey be careful that's my mom" said Amy to the guard as he backed up
This caused Galaxy to laugh making Amy smile as she walked up to her to give her a hug
But then Shadow and Silver joined the hug to as Silver said
"How about we celebrate this accomplishment"
"Sounds like a great idea" said Shadow

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