Tourney Training

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I had to put that photo in 😆😅

Silver POV:

Once I made it to the tourney field I changed my clothes and walked outside toward Sonic.
"Hey Silver" greeted Sonic
"Hello" I said
"Ok so what do you want to do first" Sonic asked
"Maybe work on actually being good at the game" I said nervously
Sonic chuckled and said "Alright then"
"Wait do you play on the tourney team" I asked Sonic
"Yeah I was there on the field when Shadow pushed everyone over" said Sonic
"That explains why Cathy was there" I said understanding everything better
"Yeah she does follow me around, doesn't she" Sonic said with a nervous laugh
Just then I heard a bark off in the far distance getting closer
Sonic turned around and walked up to the strange animal
"Hey buddy" Sonic said to the creature
Sonic picked it up and turned towards me
I looked at the animal and to be honest I was scared
"Silver don't you want to hold it" Sonic said as he set the animal down
The animal then ran up to me but I was not going to let it get me 
I ran into the nearby forest screaming as the dog chased me
"Ahhhhh be gone demon" I shouted at the dog as I climbed up a tree
Sonic was running up behind us and grabbed the animal
"Sonic help me" I pleaded
"Silver it doesn't want to hurt you, it just wanted to play with you" Sonic said
I climbed down at stood in front of Sonic and the animal
"Silver this is Duke, the campus dog. it is harmless so it won't hurt you" Sonic explained as he grabbed my hand making me touch the dogs fur
I relaxed my hand and began to pet the dog
"See nothing happened" Sonic said as he handed the dog to me
I held the dog and began to grow much more comfortable with it
"He doesn't seem so bad anymore" I said relieved that it did not want to kill me
"You are a pretty fast runner when it comes to "danger", you ran away from Duke extremely fast" Sonic said a bit surprised
"Yeah I guess I do run kind of fast" I said still holding the dog
"Well I will leave you here with Duke and come find me when you need me" said Sonic leaving me to go back to the field
"Aright then see you" I responded as Duke licked my cheek
I stayed in the forest for a while and wondered if Sonic would let me take the dog to the Isle with me

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