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At this point I think I might just be doing Narrator perspective just so the story makes much more sense.

Narrator POV:

It had been a long day of classes for the Vk's. No one talked to them or tried to look at them in the eye after the events that happened the day before. It was finally lunch and the Vk's sat at their usual table except their other friends weren't sitting with them. They were all quiet until someone came over to talk to them.
"Hey guys, how are you doing" asked Sonic
They all stayed silent not saying a word
Sonic sighed and walked up behind Amy placing his hands on her shoulders
"Don't worry about what happened, everything will return to normal after the coronation" said Sonic trying to comfort the Vk's
No one said a word as Galaxy pushed around her food and Shadow just looked away
Sonic then whispered into Amy's ear
"I have to go now, I will see you at the coronation tomorrow"
Amy simply nodded and continued to stay silent showing no emotion what so ever
Sonic walked away leaving the Vk's all alone again
That was until someone came up to them
"Hey Galaxy I just wanted to-" said Jax before someone called him
"JAX" called Scourge
Jax ignored Scourge and continued
"To say that I-"
Jax was interrupted once again by Scourge calling his name
Galaxy looked up and Jax and whispered
"It's ok"
"I'm sorry I have to go" said Jax as he walked over to Scourge's table and sat down
People were clearly not going to allow any of their friends to talk to the Vk's
They were left alone until someone they did not want to see came up behind Amy
"How long do you think that act of yours is going to last" Cathy said
Amy stayed silent and continued to eat her food
Cathy was with a group of girls which just made the situation even worse for the Vk's
"I mean Sonic is never going to make a villain a queen" continued Cathy
Galaxy only gave off a cold look while Shadow and Silver just ignored her words
Cathy and her group laughed as they walked toward 2 girls nearby
Amy took out her spell book and flipped through the pages until she began to preform a spell
After Amy was done all people could hear was Cathy's high pitched shriek
The Vk's stood up and saw that Amy had changed the color of Cathy's dress to some not so pleasing colors
Changing the color of her dress was not a big deal to them but to Cathy it was a huge problem
"There is a lot more where that came from" Amy said
"Who do you think you are" scolded Cathy
"Do I look like I'm kidding" said Amy with an emotionless yet cold look
She pulled out her spell book and flipped through the pages as a threat to the group of girls
Everyone in sight noticed Amy pulling out her spell book and immediately walked away
Amy took a deep sigh and turned back to her group who seemed to be amused by what Amy had just done
"I can't wait for tomorrow~" Amy said in a singsong tone
"Let's grab that staff and be done with this mission" Amy said giving an evil smirk
The Vk's began walking towards their dorms so that they could be prepared and for the coronation the next day


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