Tourney Game

285 8 36

Ignore the picture at the end of the song😅

Galaxy POV:

Me and Amy had just arrived to the tourney field and took our seats in the bleachers. We sat in between a couple of other people, but we could still see perfectly see what was going on in the game. I had a couple of cookies with me(not the love spell ones) while Amy just had a medium sized smoothie. I was kinda excited to see how Shadow and Silver played sports but then I saw the most horrifying thing ever.......................Cathy in a cheerleader outfit(😣). She was most likely there to cheer Sonic on but of course Sonic wasn't going to be paying much attention to her anymore.
After the Game was over.......
The game was over and our school's team won and Silver didn't do a bad job surprisingly.
"Here comes our winning team" said the announcer
Just then Sonic took the microphone from him and began speaking
"I would like to say something real quick"
Sonic then looked at the crowd while Amy and I had an idea of what he was about to do
"Give an A" Sonic shouted toward the crowd as everyone made an A with the hands
"Give me an M" continued Sonic
I knew what the next letter was while Amy seemed a bit lost
"Give me a Y" finished Sonic
The crowd made the final letter and then Sonic shouted again
"What does that spell" Sonic asked the crowd
I decided to annoy Amy by saying her name along with the crowd
"AMY" shouted the crowd
"I love you Amy" Sonic said looking straight at Amy
Amy seemed to have a confused and nervous expression as the whole crowd said "aww"
Shadow and Silver were a bit shocked by Sonic's gesture
"Give me a beat" said Sonic to music group in the crowd
Begin the music☺️

Sonic: Did I mention that I'm in love with you?
And did I mention there's nothing I can do?
And did I happen to say
I dream of you every day
Well let me
Sonic & Girls: Shout it out loud!
Sonic: If that's ok
Hey hey
Boys: Hey
Sonic: If that's ok
Everyone: Hey
Sonic: I met this girl that rocked my world
Like it's never been rocked
And now I'm living just for her
And I won't ever stop
I never thought that it could happen
To a guy like me
But now look at what you've done
You got me down on my knees
Because my love for you is
I never knew
Silver & Shadow: Who knew?
Sonic: That it could be like this
My love for you is
Sonic & Everyone:Ridiculous!
Sonic:My love is r-i-d-i-c-u-l-o-u-s
Sonic:And I would give my kingdom for just one kiss!
Well did I mention that I'm in love with you?
And did I mention there's nothing I can do?
And did I happen to say
I dream of you every day
Well lemme
Sonic & Girls:Shout it out loud!
Sonic:If that's ok
Hey hey
If that's ok
Sonic:I gotta know which way to go
Come on now give me a sign
You gotta show me that you're only
Ever gonna be mine
Don't wanna go another minute
Livin without you
Cuz if your heart just isn't it
I don't know what I'll do

Because my love for you is
Sonic & Boys:Ridiculous!
Sonic:I never knew
Boys:Who knew?
Sonic:That it could be like this
My love for you is
Sonic & Everyone:Ridiculous!
Sonic:My love is r-i-d-i-c-u-l-o-u-s
Sonic:And I would give my kingdom for just one kiss!
Come on now
Oh yeah
Sonic:Because my love for you is
Sonic & Everyone:Ridiculous!
Sonic:I never knew
Boys:Who knew?
Sonic:That it could be like this
My love for you is
Sonic & Everyone:Ridiculous!
Sonic:My love is r-i-d-i-c-u-l-o-u-s
Sonic:And I would give my kingdom for just one kiss!
Come on now

After that....
Narrator POV:
Sonic had took off his jersey shirt and threw it towards Amy leaving him in a black long sleeve shirt. Amy caught his jersey shirt even though she was still in shock by what Sonic had just done.
"Amy will you go to the coronation with me" Sonic asked looking at Amy in the crowd
Amy then remembered the plan and came up with the perfect answer
"Yes" Amy shouted back to Sonic making the crowd go wild
Sonic had an excited expression as he was dragged back into the locker room by Shadow and Silver
Cathy had ran away upset over the whole event that had just happened
Galaxy turned to Amy and said
"Catching feelings yet"
Amy snapped back to reality and chuckled
"Does that really matter right now" Amy said
Galaxy laughed at Amy's sudden reaction
"Remind me to ask you that when you start having feelings for someone" Amy said trying to annoy Galaxy as they walked off the bleachers
"Like that's going to happen anytime soon" Galaxy responded

Why is it that I don't know what the song truly means until I write down the lyrics?😅

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