Chapter one

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Italy smiled broadly as the world meeting came to a recess. It wasn't quite over, but it allowed all of them to get up and stretch for the next thirty minutes. Italy knew exactly what he was doing for those minutes he was going to take a well-needed siesta.

"I don't want to hear you're hungry because you didn't eat lunch." Germany sternly told Italy, as he was starting to walk out with the others.

"I won't!"

Romano didn't seem to think the same way as he left along with everyone else to go and get something to eat and drink. Soon the whole room quieted down finally allowing Italy to get some much-needed sleep. (Well, he was sleeping before this point but this was his second sleep and he needed that too!) So, he rested his head on his arm and tried to drift off to sleepy-land, but something stopped him from doing just that. There was someone else in this room.

Italy perked his head up and looked at all of the empty chairs. He didn't see anyone. So, hesitantly he laid his head back down on the table, but then he heard it. A small cough.

Italy's head whipped back up and he looked around rather wildly for the source of that cough. Yet, when he looked he saw no one. "Ve~" Italy breathed out slowly as he kept his eyes on all of the chairs. Italy felt the air turn heavy for just a moment and blinked. He then squinted hard in front of him. He could see someone. Someone transparent! It was a ghost!

The ghost was just staring longingly out the window. Odd, when Italy squinted he could almost make out a bit of big brother France in this ghost. Last he saw France wasn't a ghost...

So, out of curiosity, and even though he was slightly afraid, Italy took a step forward.

This ghost really did look like France, the same blonde wavey hair, the lilac eyes hidden behind glasses, but he had a single string of curly hair that rested in front of his face- wait a minute!

Italy frowned once he noticed that key detail. He knew this person, but he just couldn't place him. This person took note of Italy and looked at him, his lilac eyes went wide for a second as a startled "Oh!" before he darted his eyes from Italy back to the window. "I'm not bothering you am I?" He spoke. His voice soft like velvet, it honestly made Italy blush slightly hearing it. He recognized it but just couldn't place it.

"No! Not at all!" Italy spoke while clasping his hands behind his back. He looked out the window with the tall blonde.

They were in New York for this meeting and Italy had to say, the view from atop this building was rather spectacular to look at. Granted it did make Italy a little sick being this high up, but it was rather serene nonetheless. "America makes such tall buildings..." Italy tried to strike up a sudden conversation with this stranger. He couldn't place it, why he found himself rather intrigued by this man, but he was and he wanted to hear him talk some more.

"It's rather pretty isn't it?... don't you have tall buildings?"

"But none like this! All together so we could look down at all of the other places and people and... It's... I mean look at how far technology has come that we can have all of these... tall buildings! I mean we could have them way back when, but it'd take a century!" Italy let out a bit of a laugh and the man laughed back with him. "But now? ... It'd only take a month... and that's pretty amazing..." Italy looked at the view with a slightly dopy smile on his face.


"Forgive me for asking-"


"...Who are you?"

The man blushed suddenly and looked sadly out of the window for a second before looking back at Italy. "I'm Canada."

"Oh!" It was Italy's turn to blush suddenly as the realization struck him. "I'm sorry..." he then awkwardly started to touch his two index fingers together as he kept his head low.

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