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Everyone sat in silence in America's living room. America was sitting in his reclining chair, while Romano, England, and Germany sat on the couch, Seborga on the floor next to the coffee table, all of them looking at Italy and Canada (Kumajiro laid in Canada's lap fast asleep) who sat on the loveseat together.

First, the others told their side of the story. How England was called in by Justin, how Seborga had tried and failed to be Italy and ultimately got caught, thus bringing Romano and Germany into the picture.

They caught wind of the airplane crash and went to investigate, where they had ran into Kumajiro, who was waiting for Italy and Canada at the said airplane. They left before the news had shown up, they were checking around the local towns hoping that they'd be there first and how they just got to Rankin Inlet in the nick of time.

Then it was Canada's and Italy's turn for their side of the story.

To say Romano, Germany, and England wasn't exactly impressed with the story that was being told was a bit of an understatement. In fact, they all had various looks of disappointment on their faces

America and Seborga seemed entranced by the story and what they both went through. In fact, it was America that asked the first question to Italy. "So, let me get this straight, went headfirst into a blizzard, flying a war world two bomber plane, crashed said plane, fought against wolves, and almost froze... just to find Canada and make sure he was safe?"

Italy felt his face blush. "Yeah..."

"C'mon guys, I know you three are pissed! But that's gotta count for something!... He's... He's the hero!"

Italy blushed even more at the compliment. "I'm not, besides I wouldn't have made it too far if Kuma hadn't of gotten the wolf away of me. Also in the end Canada had to be the one to save me."

Kuma was still fast asleep in Canada's lap and this time Canada blushed this time around.

"That and it turned out to be just reckless as Canada didn't even need saving." Germany pointed out.

"Well, that's not true. I still had no clue where I was or even how I got all the way to Nunavut. So if Italy hadn't of come after me I would probably still be lost." Canada was quick to argue.

"I would like to point out that Nunavut is huge, the fact that Italy even found out was just pure luck-" England tried to argue against Canada, but Canada shut him up with one simple word.



"Mom. Mom and Rome helped us find each other."

There was a silence before America spoke in a serious, almost out of character, tone. "You saw mom?"


"Is she... okay?" America asked his eyes wide with curiosity.

"From what I could tell... yes."

"Did... did she mention me?"

'No.' Canada thought and he almost said it, but there was something about America's eyes. That yearning of validation from their mother. "... Yeah... she said: That you're a good brother." Canada lied... kinda, even though America was a bit of an idiot and extremely impulsive he was a good brother after all it seemed. America fell for it as he suddenly had stars in his eyes. Canada could tell that this was going to go to his head.

"Rome and Native America are okay with your relationship?" Romano's tone was incredibly incredulous as he spoke.

"I believe they are," Canada said as he reached over and grabbed Italy's hand and for Italy smiled at the affection given to him. It was at that moment did everyone look at one another in question. If the ancients were okay with this relationship then surely...

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