Chapter Twelve

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Canada smiled as he watched the fireworks boom in the sky and set off various colors, sparkled, then fizzled out in the sky. Canada rested his head against Italy's shoulders as Italy was also watching the fireworks. Off in the distance, Canada could see some of the younger kids were running around with sparklers, some made simple circles while others, the more preteen type were making more obscene shapes in the air. Canada chuckled.

"Hey, I have a question?"

"Yeah?" Canada lifted his head off of Italy's shoulders and looked at him.

"Can I get on your shoulders?"

"Eh?" Canada felt confused at the request.

"There's a magnolia-" Italy stood up and thus so did Canada. Italy then pointed up so Canada could see it. It stood out from the rest as it was pink while the rest of this tree seemed to be white. "-I want to pick it."

"Uh, Italy this isn't your tree."

"Oh, please. I don't think Alfred is going to miss it."

Italy did have a point there. Canada gave a quick look around before getting down on the knee. "Be quick."

"Why, Mr. Matthew Williams-" Italy giggled suddenly and covered his mouth as a blush seemed to suddenly creep across his facial features. "If I didn't know any better I'd say you're proposing to me."

"Don't be silly." Canada chuckled "Now get on my shoulders before someone sees us and actually thinks I'm proposing!"

"Too late!" Suddenly Italy was on his shoulders. Canada didn't prepare himself enough it seems and nearly collapsed under Italy's sudden influx of weight on his shoulders.

"What?" Canada gasped out, steeled himself and then he managed to stand up fully. This made Canada now be a bit more precautious as he had to focus on not just steadying himself but Italy as well. For the time being Italy was just sitting on his shoulders so it wasn't too hard to do so. "What do you mean by that?" Canada asked again.

Canada could feel Italy shift a little to the left so Canada moved in the same direction. "I-" Italy grunted. "I think someone saw us, but I couldn't see who."

"Oh maple, I hope you're mistaken..." Canada cringed at the thought.

"Bah! I'm going to need to get higher."

"High- oh!" Italy started to stand and out of reflex Canada made sure to grab on to Italy's ankles to steady him. "Maple, please be careful!" Canada whispered nervously.

"Don't worry! I've done more dangerous things than this!"

"I... don't want to know what that entails."

It seemed Italy didn't hear that part as he started telling Canada of the time he got kidnapped by some thugs hoping to make bank off of him. They gave him back after thirty minutes. Canada couldn't help but chuckle at that last bit. "Did you get the flower?" Canada asked after Italy finished the story.

"Almost, it's just out of my reach..." Italy let out a sudden grunt of frustration.

Canada had to constantly shift his weight around so he could carefully balance Italy on his shoulders, but suddenly with no warning, Italy's weight was promptly lifted from his shoulders. "Eh?" Canada blinked and looked up to see Italy now clinging on to a branch with both his arms and legs. He, Italy, was also upside down while in this position. Canada crossed both of his arms over his chest and smirked. "What's your plan again?"

"Wing it, at this point." Italy stuck out his tongue playfully.

"You're something else, you know that?" Canada chuckled at this as he watched Italy now reach over to try and pick the magnolia.

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