Chapter fourteen

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It was around 2:58 am when Germany was rudely awoken by the sound of somebody pounding both of their fists against his front door. It was driving his three dogs crazy just as much as it was him. All three of his dogs were barking and howling trying their hardest to escape his room.

Germany threw his covers off and rubbed his tired eyes. "Verdammit." Germany cursed under his breath. What was the problem now? It had to be one of two people. Prussia, who probably forgot his keys, again, and was inebriated. Or it was probably a crying North Italy.

Germany was sure that it was the latter as he knew first hand that Italy's boss forbade the budding relationship between Canada and Italy. Germany understood the issue he did, and he was one to believe that Italy needed to stop this. This wasn't helping anyone in any situation and was rather selfish on both of their parts. A nation can't/shouldn't be able to fall in love with another nation. They could only marry if it's something their bosses agreed on. Plus for Nations to be in a relationship with one another it takes away trades from others as a result as favoritism starts to take hold. The only people this didn't count for were Sweden and Finland as they know how to be professional. Something Italy doesn't seem to have a grasp on.

So, Germany was rather guilty of doing something he wasn't proud of. He told Italy's boss to take away Italy's I.D. and Passport forbidding him from leaving for North America. But because of the Schengen agreement, Italy could come on over to Germany's house without a passport.

Germany moved his hair out of his face before finally opened his bedroom door. The moment his door was opened all three of his dogs raced to the front door. Germany silently stepped down his stairs quickly and got to his door. The banging stopped once the lock clicked.

Germany opened his door and he noticed two things. One: it was pouring rain outside, two: It wasn't North Italy at his door, but a soaked to the bone Romano.

"Romano?" Was all Germany could ask in surprise. Germany quickly realized that he was seeing a side of Romano that Romano usually keeps hidden away; as a sudden gasping breath left Romano's mouth.

"I-Is my Fratello here?" Romano asked in an unnaturally soft voice. "He ran off yesterday and... he hasn't been back since. He's gotta be here right?"

Germany frowned and shook his head slowly. "Nien..."

"Oh, no, no, no." Romano shook his head.

"It's okay, I'll call Austria, Italy might have run there-"

"I've tried-" Romano's curl suddenly started to scrunch up from destressing as Romano grabbed on to his the top oh his head as it became clear he was trying not to cry. "-You were my last resort."

"Hei?" Finland sleepily answered his landline. Under any normal circumstances, Finland wouldn't answer a phone at Three in the goddamn morning, but it was his landline that was ringing. The landline only rang in emergencies. Sweden shifted in the bed before sitting up; a dangerous aura already starting to seep from him.

"I'm sorry to call you at this hour, I couldn't get a hold of your cells and I had to look through my Fratello's phonebook to find you-"

"Seborga?" Finland was tempted to hang up right then. "This phone number is only used for emergencies not because you want to talk to Sealand-"

"Veneziano is missing!"

Finland couldn't believe what he was told. A nation going missing surely that can't be right? "Missing?"

"Yes, he-he ran off about a day ago. He was so mad when he ran off y'know? I-I was there; it was the loudest I ever heard him yell... I didn't even know he could yell..." Seborga started to ramble and his breath became hitched. "I-I just thought I'd give him some space when he stormed out of the house and now...he just never came home. I was hoping maybe he'd be with you guys or Sealand might know where he went."

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