Chapter six

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"Did your Grandpa Rome ever come back? I know he's connected to your heart..." Canada asked.

Italy had moved from the outside patio to inside his study. He did this for a couple of reasons, one so he wouldn't disturb Seborga, who was still asleep, and the second was so he could do just a bit more paperwork needed for the world summit. He had his phone propped up and charging on his desk so he could still look and talk to Canada.

"Oh... Si, he has! Remember the pictonians?"

"How can I forget? That was kind of a scary time."

"Yeah, Grampa Rome came in and helped me in the end, and gave me the marker to save the day!" Italy all but laughed at the memory.

Italy blinked at the sigh of relief that left Canada's mouth. "Oh, Dieu merci..." Canada exhaled slowly. "I was honestly so worried that I had harmed him when I shot you."

"... Well..." Italy sighed as he dropped his pen almost sadly. "... I think you have... because that was the first time he's shown himself since the war."

"Italie, I'm so sorry-"

"Don't be! Canada, I understand that I rushed at you with a knife, you did what you had to...I've never seen Prussia so worried for me before. He even picked me up in his arms."

"-And shot me."

"..." Italy looked at Canada. "Prussia shot you?"

"Yeah, I was so focused on you, I didn't see him coming up. Got me right in the shoulder." Canada mimicked a gunshot with his fingers pressed to his left shoulder. "Got an earful from England for that one."

"... Were... you hurt bad?"

"It wasn't exactly joyful having America pull a bullet out of my shoulder..." Canada laughed like it was just a funny memory to him.

Italy just thought about Prussia. The albino rushing as fast as he possibly could to Italy's fallen form, gun raised and shooting without a second thought. It wasn't fair, in all honesty, neither Canada or Italy deserved to be shot that day, but that's war, isn't it? It wasn't fair but it happened.

Italy tried to not let his emotions show, instead he just picked his pen back up and continued to do his paperwork.

"How's paperwork going? Any farther?" Canada asked him. Italy looked at his phone with a bit of an awkward smile to Canada.

"Eh... well... I got a month done."

"You're never going to get done in time... I say swallow your pride and go to Germany."

"No! Germany will yell!" Italy yelled dramatically while he shook his head from side to side.

Canada laughed "Do I need to come back over there myself?"

In the blink of an eye, Italy's tune changed. "Only if you want to." Italy winked.

Italy saw Canada's face turn at least two different shades of red. "N-Not like that!" Canada blurted out in response as he tried to cover it up with a series of broken up laughter, but then he did something unexpected. He snorted. Canada's hands covered his mouth as his eyes went wide.

"That. Is... Adorabile!" Italy shouted as he leaned in closer to his phone. He put his elbows on the table and allowed his head to rest in his palms.

"N-no it's not! Arrête ça!" Canada was trying not to let his embarrassment show but his blushing face was showing differently. Italy just couldn't stop himself from laughing. Canada was just being... cute. Italy couldn't think of a better word for it. Cute, he was super cute right now.

Maple flavored GelatoDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora