Chapter thirteen

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The first night Canada slept perfectly fine with Kumajino in his arms as expected.

The second night. Well, turns out words really do travel fast. As at around 3:48 am Canada was rudely awoken from his slumber by the sound of someone banging their fists against his door. In his sleepy daze Canada honestly mistook it for a potential robber and grabbed his handgun from his nightstand.

As Canada cautiously walked down the hallway, gun barrel pointed downwards towards the ground. The banging against his door continued, almost to an insane degree by the time Canada got to the door. Slowly Canada used his peephole to his advantage and frowned while letting his gun go slack. With a fit of new enraged anger, Canada placed his gun in the hem of his pajama pants and hoped it stayed in place. Then he grabbed his door and almost ripped it off his hinges so he was face to face with England.

"Is the queen dead?" Canada started first and foremost with a big of a bite in his tone that seemed to throw England off because he stuttered slightly before spitting his sentence out.

"Heavens no-"

"Was there a terrorist attack?"

"No Canada-"

"Is anyone in danger as we speak!?"


"Goodnight!" Canada tried to slam the door in England's face. Rude, yes, but so was pounding on someone's door at four in the morning. Still, that didn't exactly suit England too well as only seconds later England dodged under Canada's arm and let himself in. "Go away, please." Canada tried to be polite as he reopened his door to allow England a way out.

"No, we need to talk."

"Not at four in the morning, try again later when the sun is up-"

"Are you sleeping with North Italy?"

Whatever Canada was going to say immediately died with a surprise croak in his throat. For a moment Canada couldn't even form words just vowels left his mouth. This went on for a bit as England crossed his arms and raised one of his massive eyebrows at Canada in question. "-How dare you?!" Canada finally found his voice. "You come into my home, at an ungodly hour I might add, and demand to know who I may or may not be sleeping with?!" Canada snarled.

"Are you?"

"No!" Canada was sure his voice cracked at the end. "And even if I was its none of your business!" Canada practically snarled at England.

"Don't forget, Canada, you're still my Commonwealth."

"Yes I'm aware of that fact, but I'm still my own nation, England."

Canada honestly couldn't believe he was having this conversation right now at this exact time. England pointed his finger in Canada's face and looked like he had something to say but he retracted at the last moment, pointing his arm up in the process, once he figured out what he wanted to say; England pointed his finger at Canada once more. "Tell me right now that you will not sleep with him."

"Tabarnak-" Canada rolled his eyes.

"Watch your mouth!"

"England, I have no intention of having any intercourse with North Italy. He's just a friend. Where is this stupid notion even coming from?"


Surely Canada heard England wrong. "...Quell?"

"Everyone. all the emails I've been getting the last twenty-four hours are about you, Italy, and America... for some reason." England frowned at that last bit.

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