Chapter eight

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In all honesty, the first night not much happened. Canada showed them around his house, Kumakazoo staying stuck at his hip the whole time. Then they had a quick dinner, and now the three of them were outside on Canada's patio eating Ice cream and drinking beer. Even Italy. Though Canada could tell that Italy really didn't care for the taste as he almost always made a face after each swig (then would down it with ice cream as fast as possible).

"So, tomorrow, I was thinking we'd stay here for most of the day, so I can help Italy with some of his paperwork. I'll also make us a nice lunch, then maybe around five pm or so we can go for some dinner."

"Sounds good to me!" Cuba grinned at Canada.

"Yep!" Italy chimed in before suddenly standing up. "Scusi ." He excused himself before walking through the sliding glass door back inside. Canada didn't give it much of a thought as he allowed Kumajena to lick some ice cream off of his spoon.

"Beautiful night out..." Cuba commented as he looked out at Canada's pond.

The moon reflected off the pond in a while that it gave the whole surface area a nice silvery color. A nice cool breeze rushed passed them and Canada felt at peace even as the trees off in the distance rustled from some rowdy squirrels. "Yeah, it is." Canada couldn't help but agree.

"I mean it, Amigo , you have some of the nicest weather and prettiest land I have ever seen."

Canada felt his face heat up. "T-Thank you, Cuba!" Canada grinned at the compliment. "That's one of the nicest things anyone has ever-" Before Canada could finish his sentence there was an unholy shriek- followed by rapid footsteps. "Wha-"

Thankfully, Kumajenkins jumped from Canada's lap just in time because it was quickly occupied by a panicked Italy. Italy was yelling and screaming so loud and frantically that Canada couldn't understand a wood. Italy pulled Canada's face close to his chest as he continued to scream. "Wh- what's wrong, mon ami ?!" Canada honestly feared that something horrible had happened to Italy. That was until Italy finally managed to spit it out.

"Spider." Italy's voice was so quiet that Canada wasn't sure he heard him right.


"... Spider, in the bathroom, grande ragno... "

Cuba was the first to laugh. "C'mon amigo! A spider?! We fought in wars and you can't kill a spider?!" Cuba slammed his fist on the table as he barked out another laugh.

"It's big!" Italy tried to defend himself, but Canada could lie, even he laughed at the ridiculousness of it. "Don't laugh!" Italy whined.

"Okay- I'm sorry!" Canada tried to stifle his laugh, but it just kept bubbling up into giggles and mean little sniggers. Still, Canada stood up and placed Italy back on his feet. "I'll go get it." Canada spun towards his house.

"Don't get bit!"

"I live in the woods, Italie , I deal with spiders on a daily basis." Canada didn't even turn around when he said that. He was used to getting rid of spiders, little spiders, big spiders, it didn't matter.

Canada grabbed a cup from his cupboard and snatched a magazine off of his dining table. Kuma was right behind him every step of the way. "Don't eat this on, eh?" Canada asked Kumajiro as he approached the bathroom.

"Who are you?"

Canada didn't even reply.

The light was still on in the bathroom. Canada didn't see a spider. He checked around the toilet, the trashcan, in the shower and tub, nothing. 'Maybe it escaped? ' he had thought. It was possible, make a big enough racket, and any creature would flee. Canada figured he just missed the spider and it would pop again later. That was until he turned around.

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