sᴇᴏɴɢʜᴡᴀ : 5ᴀᴍ

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my boyfriend, seonghwa, was always out of the house. he had to leave at around 5 in the morning to go train with his group, ateez, and he wouldn't come home until 11pm. so, i decided to wake up super super early to cook him a proper breakfast. i knew he would usually have a cup of instant ramen or just a breakfast bar, and that worried me with how hard he works on a daily basis.

it was 4:10am, and i felt my alarm go off. i turned around, noticing seonghwa wasn't next to me. i then heard the shower running, and i knew he was starting to get ready. i quickly got up, walking into the kitchen. i decided i would cook him some of my homemade pancakes, which i know he loves. i prepped all of the ingredients, and immediately started cooking. i was incredibly tired, but i loved seonghwa so much that i would ruin my sleep schedule for him. as i was cooking the final pancake, i heard the shower turn off. seonghwa would be out in a few minutes! i quickly finished up, decorating the plate of pancakes in his favourite berries, syrup and whipped cream.

i yawned tiredly, leaning my body against the counter and shutting my eyes. it was 4:30 in the morning. "princess? why are you awake?" i opened my eyes and turned my head, being greeted by my beautiful boyfriend. his black fluffy hair was styled neatly, and he had a pair of black jeans and a blue turtleneck sweater. "ah, i cooked you breakfast, and i wanted to say goodbye before you left" i walked over to him, placing my small hands in his larger ones. his eyes softened as he caressed my hands gently. "princess, why? i mean it's so thoughtful, but you need rest! he brought one hand up, stroking my cheek gently. i just smiled softly.

"it's fine hwa, i've just really been missing you lately and i want you to be healthy" i gently led him over to the kitchen, handing him the plate of pancakes. he placed the plate down, making me a little confused. he then wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me in for a passionate kiss. i smiled, responding to the kiss. after a few minutes, we both pulled away to catch our breaths. "thank you princess, i love you" he pressed a gentle kiss on my forehead as i smiled. "eat well ~ i know how hard you work, and i don't want you to dance on an empty stomach" i pouted a little as he giggled, starting to eat the pancakes.

we continued talking while seonghwa ate, just catching up on each other's lives. once he was finished, he took a quick look at the time, sighing gently. "well, i should head off to the company, i'll see if i can come home a little earlier tonight hm?" we both stood up as i nodded, yawning a little. "please get some rest, i'll see you tonight princess" he pulled me into a hug, running his hand through my hair. "stay hydrated and don't overwork yourself hwa! i'll be waiting" i pulled back from the hug a little, pecking his lips. he giggled, pulling me in for another passionate kiss. before we could get too heated, we pulled away, giggling. seonghwa kissed my forehead before grabbing his bag and walking out the door, blowing me a kiss on his way out.

(askkssk my first imagine :0 i've been writing these for a while, and thought about posting them on here and never came around to doing it 🥴 but i'm here now hehe, sorry i'm not the best writer oop-)

𝑨𝑻𝑬𝑬𝒁 𝑰𝑴𝑨𝑮𝑰𝑵𝑬𝑺 Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ