Ch- 6 Maze

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Hello lovely readers, I was very worried about my writing skills but thanks to all of your comments I am able to continue and trust me I am more excited now to write this endeavor. I am thankful to Joe to boost my confidence at every moment and also the contribution she is making in this story. So now I stop my thankful notes. Enjoy the next part :) 

"ምን ተፈጠረ?" ("What happened?") Azursk asked pacing tranquil.

"ያገኘሁትን ውጤት እስካሳየሁበት ጊዜ ድረስ ወንድም ሁልጊዜ በኔ የሚሠራውን መሣሪያ ሁልጊዜ ከእኔ ጋር ያቆየዋል ? " ("Brother always kept that device made by me with him just in case of emergency ever since I showed him the results I got.")

" አስቂኝ የኮድ ማሽን ማለትዎ ነው" ("You mean that funky coding machine") Azursk rolled his eyes.

Tranquil narrowed his eyes on him "አዎ አዎ... ያው አስደሳች ቀልድ " ("yeah yeah..the same funky one")

"ታዲያስ?" ("So what about it?") He asked confused.

He paced more making Azursk more irritated "ምንም ነገር ንገረኝ?" ("will you tell me anything?")

He stopped pacing around and his eyes got widen with the sudden realization "ከእኔ ጋር " ("come with me")

"የት?" ("Where?")

"መደበቅ ከወንድም ጋር እንዴት መገናኘት እንደምችል አውቃለሁ " ("To hiding. I know how I can contact brother.")

Azursk smiled wide with new hope but were suddenly interrupted by a wailing sound. They both turned to see their buddy coming with tears in his eyes.

"ዳር? ምን ተፈጠረ?" ("Dar? What happened?") Tran asked a visibly distraught Dar who was on verge of bawling his eyes out.

"እውነት ነው?" ("Is it True?") Dar asked with his widening.

"እውነት ምንድን ነው?" ("What is true?") Azursk asked trying to comfort him.

"ጓደኛዬ ከአሁን በኋላ በሕይወት አለመኖሩ እውነት ነውን?" ("Is it true that my bud is not alive anymore?") He cried some more

"ምንድን? ማን አለ?" ("What? Who said that?") Tran asked bewildered.

"ሰዎች ሲያጉረመርሙ ሰማሁ... " ("I heard it people murmuring...") he said trying to control his emotions.

Azursk walked closer to him and put a hand around to comfort him and tried to get a grip on himself.

"አዝዙርክ ምን ሆነ? እውነት አይደለም ንገረኝ? ምንም ነገር የማትሉት ለምንድን ነው? " ("What happened Azursk? Tell me its not true? Why are you not saying anything?") Dar see him fearfully dreading the answer.

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