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Brandon: "We didn't know what Halloween,St. Patrick's day, Valentine's day, mother's day, and Father's day was."

Almost the whole guild: "WHAT!"

Ritchie: "Reaper and Michael were the ones to explain these holidays. They figured this out when on St Patrick's day we didn't understand why we got pinched or had to wear green."

Brandon: "We still don't really understand that holiday, but we know how to celebrate it. Mother's and Father's day we got the moment they first explained it. Valentine's day was a little bit confusing because why spoil your significant other only on one day, when you could do it whenever you wanted. They explained it a little more in detail and after an hour we fully understood."

Ritchie: "Halloween was a holiday we found was a fun idea, even though it was a little confusing about the origin of this holiday. It was funny seeing Reaper and Michael get frustrated with trying to explain them to us.* laughs a little bit*

Brandon: *smirks*"Indeed it was brother, indeed it was."

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