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Kit: "I'm glad they're getting some fresh air, I just hope nothing happens."

Immo: "I wish I were there. Kit keeps sending me pictures."

Bjorn: "You know why, if you go back you'll eventually explode around them."

Mario: "I'm ok with it. If anything happens I could protect them by going underground and Tapio is in his element too."

Tapio: "Yep."

David and Lucas: *shrugs*

When the twins got outside their faces light up. The managed to convince the other to play tag, the best part is that they still have their plushies in their hands. When they went to lay in the grass they apologized to Jakey.

Jakey: "It's fine."

👩‍🦳😈: "Yoohoo!"

Lucas: "No,no,noooo"

David: "Nooo, the she-devil is back"

Brandon and Ritchie: *jumps off the ground and bounces*"Auntie!"

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