ask 27

287 12 1

Gallern: "Wow, someone asking little old me. The sickness is from chakra being released after years of build up. So no it's not contagious. If only the god slayers bother to ask us. I wonder how their devils are doing with their magic users being sick. I love the dress that Lucas has on."

The twins ran to Mrs.P and engulfed her in a hug.

Mrs.P: "Hello my dears, how are you feeling. I heard that you were sick, so I brewed my special tea."

David: "Heck no, you are not feeding our sick leaders your crazy tea! I don't care if you are or aren't their aunt!"

Brandon: "Mean nakey man, no yelling at our auntie!"*puffs out cheeks*

Ritchie: "Yea, that's a nono!"

Mrs.P: "It's ok little ones, I'll handle this. Polly fire dragon roar!."

Polly process to chase David around, leavingthe others (except Lucas) confused about the bird. The twins are laughing, leaning against Mrs.P and sipping their tea.

Mrs.P: "I see you both got new plushies."

Ritchie: "Yea, KitKat gave us them, she said it's from the whole guild. This is Franklin and that is Red. We love them very very much."


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