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David *walks into the infirmary in full drag*: *worried voice* "So midget and pinkie, how are they?

Kit: " Are we able to see them?!"

Immo: "What did that person do?!"

Bjorn: "Calm down and let them speak."

Mario and Bjorn have an arm strung around Kit/Immo, pulling them into a side hug.

Michael: "We do not know what that person did, however they should make a recovery. At this moment they both have fevers, Brandon's higher than Ritchie. So, ice and water boi I want you too on rag duty, keep the rags damp and cool."

Bri: "I had to put magic blocker on them, just incase their magic gets out of hand. Though their apprentices changed, unlike the last time they were on the twin. We don't know why, a theory is it's because of what the person did."

Michael: "We have to leave now. Keep a close eye on them, make sure they eat, drink, and have plenty of rest. Also, if you fail to do this I'll rip your souls out of your bodies and nice dress David." *leaves with Bri*

Where is Austin? Well, he's trying to hunt the people down.

Where is Austin? Well, he's trying to hunt the people down

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