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Michael: "Why do I feel the need to kill someone?"

It's has been about 2 hours since the twins clung to Jakey, all of them still confused as to why this happened. They made a pack not to ask when they wake to to avoid making the twins cry.

Ritchie and Brandon: "mmm." *cuddles closer to Jakey with his eyes open*

Lo'Pho: "How are you two feeling?"

Brandon: "I feel ok."

Ritchie: "Same. Um, do you think we can go outside?"

David: *shrugs*

Lucas: "I'm not sure that's a great idea."

Lo'Pho:""Yes, you can. As long as you both take it easy and listen to what we say."

Ritchie and Brandon:*nods head*

Mario: "Come one Tapio, let's make an area near here for them." *Mario leaves  with Tapio*



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