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     In a lab somewhere. "Dr. AZ, the test subject is too powerful" A loud cry can be heard. Its cry shakes the building. Suddenly an explosion rocks the building. A giant, white horse-like figure zooms into the skies. It emits a white light and streaks of meteorite looking things shoot through the sky.

     The next day, reports of strange eggs appearing all over the world occupied the news. After a week, the eggs started hatching and strange creatures appeared out if them. These creatures underwent expirements and after years, these creatures populated the earth. These creatures showed super natural powers, however they still lived alongside regular animals. These creatures showed to improve life, certian creatures cleaned the air, cured deasese, etc. However it wasn't until the public was allowed to own these creatures, that the problems started.

     There were increases in injuries, crime rate went up, and in the midst of it all, war broke out. To end all the conflict, a man named AZ, built a machine. This machine single-handedly stopped both sides, however it significantly lowered the population of these strange creatures. While these creatures repopulated, all the world leaders decided that, the creatures will be like animals when in the wild. However, the ownership laws of these creatures will be left up to the continent. In the end these creatures were named "pokémon".

     In the North, South and Central Americas, they decided to share laws on pokémon ownership. The laws were:

1) You cannot own a pokemon if you are under the age of 14, legal working age in the U.S.

2) You cannot use pokémon for misconduct such as but not limited to: Theivery, violence, breaking and entering, etc

3) If a pokemon is meant for the use of professional battling, it HAS to be caught in either a pokéball, great ball, or ultra ball

4) If the pokemon meant to be a pet, it has to be caught in a friend ball or bought in pokémon labs around the continent

5) A pokémon HAS to be regestered at pokémon center in your area(doesn't apply if it was caught in a pokéball)

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