Chapter 3- Enter Terra Sky

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     An average height girl walks in. She is a typical girl; long hair, beautiful brown eyes and a somewhat curvy body. Her hair was mostly brunette with blond highlights. The most intriging part about her, though, was they way she carried herself. She walked in an ornate and elegant fashion. She also looked at the class like we were plebian she didn't have time for.

     The way she walked over to the trainer box made it seem like she was well informed of her task. "Orlando! Go" I remind him that it's his turn to battle. He rolls his eyes and walks over to the trainer box. From past experiences I know how good Orlando is at pokemon battling, so this should be good. Well . . . If Orlando actually battles. Orlando has battled all the kids in our class, so he is pretty bored of them. Hopefully since this is a new challenger he will put in some effort.

     The girl, Terra, throws out a magby. The magby gives a happy cheer and twirls around. Orlando sends out his partner pokemon, and skiddo's best friend, charmander. It is a red lizard-like pokemon. Much like Orlando it seems uninterested in the battle. It stretches and lays down to take a nap.

"Begin!" Announces the proctor.

"Magby use fire spin." Terra says politely. Magby spews a swirling stream of fire at Orlando's charmander. It hits his charmander and it doesn't do much damage. However it does succed at irritating charmander.

"Dragon Rage" Orlando commands, sounding uniterested. A ball of purple fire shoots out of the charmander's mouth.

"Flame Burst" Terra says before the dragon rage reaches her magby. Magby shoots a big unstable ball of fire towards the dragon rage. The two attacks collide in purple and orange explosion that shakes the building. Neither pokémon looks damaged by the explosion, however charmander is hit by another stream of fire the seemed to come from the ground.

     Charmander's demeanor changes. It gets up looking alert and furious. Orlando realizes this and he gets a bit more serious. He smirks, " Scratch charmander". Charmander races towards magby and rakes it across the face. The magby rolls back in recoil. Then charmander goes in for another scratch attack. It connects and the magby cries out.

"Smokescreen" Terra commands. However, something is different. Her usual grace and elegance wasn't there, and did her eyes change?

     The smokescreen covered the battlefield. The two fire types were no where to be seen. Then there was a whirlpool of flame coming from somewhere in the smoke. A second later, after the whirlpool disapeared and charmander cried out in pain. This cycle repeated with Terra saying things like, "Feint Attack" and "Flame Burst". Orlando realizes this and decides to switch gears.

"Charmander here" Charmander runs towards the end of the smoke. "Return" Orlando puts charmander in his pokéball and takes another one out. "Go, Rhyhorn!" He hurls the pokéball and a rhino with a rock body comes out.

"Magnitude" The rhyhorn lifts its front legs up and slams it down. The whole ground shakes and quakes. The smoke screen finally clears out and the magby is still standing, although it looks beat up and ready to faint. A few seconds later falls.

"Magby is unable to battle" the proctor announces.

     Terra screams in frustration. She throws out another pokéball and a blue reptilian Pokémon comes out. Its yellow lower jaw has two teeth poking upwards and three thick, gray ridges cover the top of its head, and continue down to cover its neck. The bagon roars in anticipation. Rhyhorn returns the roar.

"Start off with a Focus Energy" Terra commands the bagon. Bagon closes its eyes and its body glows a mix of red and orange. Orlando doesn't look fazed by this.

"Horn attack" The rhyhorn charges toward the bagon. However Terra commands the bagon to headbutt as well. The two pokémon slam into each other and they struggle to over power the other. Eventually the bagon wins and the rhyhorn goes flying back.

     Orlando is shocked by this. He stares at Terra, sizing her up. He finally realizes that Terra is better than he thought. "Your pretty good" He compliments. He finally gets serious and I know it's all over. No one has ever beaten Orlando when he is serious.

"Stomp rhyhorn" Orlando says now alert and serious, instead of lazy and bored. Rhyhorn runs towards the bagon but just as it is about to hit it, rhyhorn jumps.

"Dragon Breath!" Terra says desperately, knowing the bagon cannot support the weight of the rhyhorn. Bagon blasts a stream of pink and purple gas. Rhyhorn, sticking out its leg to go for the stomp, gets hit. The dragon breath is suspending the rhyhorn in air, but not for long. Slowly the rhyhorn is descending.

"Stop the attack bagon. Catch it with bite." She says desperately. This is her last option. If the bagon can't catch the rhyhorn he is done.

     The dragon breath stops and rhyhorn falls. The bagon opens its mouth preparing to catch it. Suddenly the bagon jumps, bites rhyhorn, and decends with it. When they reach the ground, the bagon still stands with rhyhorn's leg in its mouth. Everyone is shocked, even Orlando.

     Orlando regains his composure and revises his plan. "Magnitude" he commands, knowing this will surely be effective. The rhyhorn glows a tan brown and the leg that is caught slams into the bagon. The bagon slams into the ground and in that instant time froze. Then the ground erupted, the windows shattered, and Orlando and Terra fell to the terrible quaking. When everything settled down, rhyhorn was standing next to a badly wounded and unconcious bagon.

"Bagon is unable to battle. The winner in is Orlando!" the proctor announces. Everyone cheers them both for the outstanding battle. Even I was moved by it.

     Terra walks over to Orlando with the same elegance she had when she walked in. They shake hands and Terra congratulates Orlando. As that happens, a thought pops into my head. I get excited and run down to tell Orlando.

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