Chapter 2- BEGIN!!

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     The bell for first period rings and we all go over to the pokémon battle grounds. My anxiousness occupying my mind. Will skiddo finally obey? Our homeroom teacher told us the order of battles and I am in the second battle. Orlando was right after me.

     The first battle was between Gaby and this other kid. Her vigoroth easily beat the other kid's clefairy. Now it was my turn. Fear, anxiety, and tension built up in me. Skiddo will you listen? Will we be partners again?

     I walk to the trainer box and watch as my oppenent, a kid named Elijah, walks to his. Everyone tenses up, waiting for the inevitable. I still have a trickle of hope, though. Elijah sends out his pokemon, a porygon. I grip skiddo's pokeball and with hope, courage and anxiousness I threw the pokeball.

     A brown goat pops out. It had small horns with leaves around its neck and on its back to its tail. It gives out a loud battle cry and scans its surroundings. It sees the porygon and the trainer across from it and realises what is going on. It looks back at the oppenent across the field and decides to battle. It gets into its battle stance and gives another battle cry.

"Begin!" Announces the proctor

"Psybeam, porygon" Elijah commands his partner.

"Dodge it, skiddo" I warn. Skiddo hops out of the way. Just narrowly dodging the beam. Now it was our turn for  a counterstrike.

"Leech seed" I say. Skiddo shakes and from the leaves around his neck, seeds come flying out. They attach to the porygon and porygon started to glow a dull green.

"Conversion!" He yells right away. There is a flash of sky blue, indicating porygon's change in type to ice. I realize this is probably the end for me, but I still have to fight.

"Tackle it!" I shout, fearing what will happen next. Skiddo charges towards the porygon and slams into it. The porygon flies back in recoil. The attack clearly did some damage. Porygon glows with a green aura, indicating the leech seed's effect.


     This is were everything goes down hill. Elijah commands his porygon to use icy wind. It glows with the same sky blue color as before and suddenly a blast of cold air hits my skiddo. Skiddo is lifted with the blast and sent flying. I can feel the fear is building up in me. "Oh no, its happening." One of my classmates whispers not so quietly.

     Skiddo gets back up, with a wild look in its eyes. It gives a third battle cry and charges toward the porygon with a newfound speed. It collides with the porygon and yet again it weakens it. The green glow comes back, but this time skiddo glows as well.

"Conversion 2." Elijah commands seeing that the tackle/leech seed combo was slowly eating away at the porygon's strength. Porygon flashes a dark brown color indicating another change in type. This time into the rock type. I see an opening and let myself have faith.

     "Skiddo! Vine Whip" I commanded. Just when I thought my luck was turning around, the universe laughs in my face. Skiddo grunts and charges to the porygon. "No, no, no." I shouted in frustration. Just as skiddo jumped Elijah commanded porygon to use icy wind. The aura of sky blue incases porygon again and an icy gust throws skiddo back to the ground. The gust continues for a few more seconds. When it ends, skiddo lays there unconcious with frost accumulating on its leaves.

"Skiddo is unable to battle. The winner is Elijah!" Announces the proctor.

     I click the button on skiddo's pokéball and a red beam comes out, touches and digitalizes skiddo, and returns it to its pokéball. I walk back over to my classmates in shame. I sit down and wonder for the millionth time why I thought anything would change. I get out of my daze when the proctor calls for the classes attention. It must have been important because a security gaurd stands next to him.

"We are getting a new student. Her name is Terra Sky. Please make her feel welcome in our school." The proctor tells us. "She already has her own pokémon and her assesment test will be against Orlando. It will be a 2-on-2 single battle." In that moment a girl walks in the room.

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