Chapter 4: The Idea

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     As I run to tell Orlando my idea, I realize that it would be best to wait. If I were to do it now, everyone would make a fuss about it. So, I just leave it for later. Once the hype over Orlando and Terra's battle ends, all the students are dismissed from class. This is because Orlando's rhyhorn destroyed the battlefield, resulting in class ending early. This is the perfect opportunity to introduce myself to Terra.

     However everyone is fawning over her. I roll my eyes and go talk to my friends, Abdul and Josh who seem to be the only ones who are not mesmerized by the new girl. Them and Orlando, who was lingering at the healing center. The healing center is basically a school nurse for pokémon. Usually there is a five minute limit but since we were dismissed early we can do whatever we want until second period.

     The bell for second period, math(yes we still take regular subjects), rings. After that the day flies by. By the end of the day my excitement can't be contained. However I know the first thing I have to do is talk to Terra. As walk towards her, fear for the unknown builds inside me.

"Um, excuse me." I call her. She turns and looks at me with disdain, as if I'm not worth her time.

"Yes?" She replies.

"Hey I'm Nicholas. I saw your battle with Orlando and I want to propose an offer." I say trying to be quick.

"Please elaborate." She says quickly losing patience.

"Okay so, since Orlando and I are already friends, I can convince him later, but I had to talk to you first. Do you want to join my 'Trainer Squadrent'?" I propose hoping to have made a good first impression.

"What is a 'Trainer Squadrent'?" She asks, showing some interest.

"A 'Trainer Squadrent', or trainer squad for short, is a small group of students, in this case, who go on missions. The missions are ranked and only certain ranks of trainer squads can go on that mission. The minimum for a trainer squad is three members. In school the recommended ammount is five students." I explain. However as I explaned something . . . strange happened. Terra looked away, trying to avoid eye contact. When she finally stopped her eyes changed color.

"Cool, where do I sign up?" Her speech patterns completely changed. A similar thing happened in her battle.

"Come with me." I say leading her towards Orlando.

    I was ready to argue with Orlando about why it would be a good idea to make a trainer squad. However when I proposed my idea, he agreed without a fight. "I will probably regret this later." were his exact words. I was stupified by how easy it was to convince the two of them. Together, the three of us walked towards the main office. Once we arrive I stop and turn around.

"Are you guys sure about this?" I ask not wanting anyone to regret this decision. Of course it wasn't permanent but a squad had to succesfully complete a set amount of mission to be eligible to disband.

"It was your idea." Orlando replies

"Sure, sounds like fun." Terra replies in her not so Terra voice.

     I turn around and walk into the main office. The school secretary sits at the desk typing on her laptop. We walk up and get her attention. "Excuse me, Ms. Bankole. We would like to apply to be a 'Trainer Squadrent'" , I ask. She asks to see our school IDs. We all show her ours, except for Terra, who the Ms. Bankole had to manually register instead of scanning the QR code on the ID.


"There is a problem. In order to have a trainer squad, all members have to have at least two pokémon." Ms. Bankole informs me.

     We walk out. I am saddened by the news but I am determined to find a new pokémon to add to my party. School is over so we leave, going our seperate ways. I start heading home but then decide against it. Orlando is very volatile at times, so i decide to get my new team member today. The big decision was which pokémon.

     I decide to go the forest first. On the way I realize something, skiddo is my only party member. How will he react to this new team member? So, I decided to stop and try to talk to skiddo. I released skiddo from its pokéball. It bleats happily as it's released.

    "Hey skiddo" I greet it. It bleets happily in response. "Today we will be getting a new pokémon to add to the party." I tell it. It gives a confused look and I explain further, "Terra, a new kid; Orlando; and I will become a trainer squad". It nods in understanding. So far so good.

     "Would you like to walk with me to the forest?" I ask. It bleets happily and we walk towards the forest. This is how it was, some days were fine and some were bad. Finally we reach the forest. The forest was huge, with lots of foliage. As we walk in, we hear a loud cry. It sounded painful and anguished.

"Lets go" I say as we run towards the sound. Skiddo follows without hesitation. We are so close to getting back to old times.

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