Chapter 9: Giovanni

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     "The winners of this year's Thanksgiving Tourney is Terra and Orlando!" The referee announces. An explosion of applause. When it finally settles down the ref speaks again, "Of course all the other finalists will get prizes too so don't worry. Now it is time for our winners to recieve their prizes." Terra and I walk to the middle of the arena, where the prizes were being carried. Two checks for $1000 and a rather large box were being brought to them. The principal comes into the stadium with a microphone to congratulate us.

"Well done. This squad is proving to be a very good asset. Anyway, the both of you are being rewarded with $1000 and your choice of two TMs each." The principal says.

     They open the box and it is TMs galor. I scan the TMs, it seemed like they had every type of TM. Skiddo could use a good TM, but what can it learn? Terra seemed to be having the same trouble as me. The principal, catching on, reassures us that we don't have to decide now. After another round of plaudits everyone clears out, allowing the cleaning crew to set up for the contest part of the event.

     Walking to the healing center, I spot the trainer with the combusken. I run up to him in an attempt to show my gratitude. "Uh, hey. Thanks for what you did out there." I thank him. He turns. "Your welcome but if you want to pay me back, let me use one of your TMs." He says. I ponder on the idea. "Alright. I'll talk to you later." I say, agreeing to his idea.

     I heal skiddo then head to the principal's office. Terra is already there, looking online for the possible moves her pokémon can learn. Once she is done I start searching myself.

Skiddo learnset. Wild Charge, could be useful I could do without the recoil though, toxic, that could be an asset, Swag-

     In that moment I saw the move I needed, Rock Slide. It was perfect. This move covered most of skiddo's weaknesses: flying, fire, bug, ice. I have my first TM down, now I need a second. Still scrolling throught skiddo's TM learnset I see a move that would benefit my other pokémon. After today's events it would probably benefit it a lot.

     I take my two TMs. After me Terra. She takes the TMs for Return and Flamethrower. I leave and find combusken's trainer standing there. "So what TMs you got?" He asks. "I think you would like Rock Slide." I reply. He releases his combusken from its pokéball.

     I hand him the TM. He puts it in the pokéball. He returns the combusken back into it. Then releases it again and takes out the TM. "Thanks. The name is Giovanni, but you can call me Gio."

"Wait . . . Giovanni like, most likely to become the future champion Giovanni?!" I ask in disbelief.

"You got it." He replies and walks away.

     I realized just how low I was in terms of a future in battling. If it hadn't been for the other pokémon in the battle I would have lost for sure. Orlando, and now Gio, are two very powerful trainers. Good thing they are my allies.

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