Chapter 8: The Tourney Finalé

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     The mega-scizor basks in the awe of everyone. Then it speeds towards a tangela and uses x-scissor effectively taking out the tangela.

The quagsire tries to make another move, but Terra and I act faster. "Dragon Breath!" Terra commands. "Follow up with a Razor Leaf." I add in.

     Bagon fires off a Dragon Breath and quagsire is too slow to react. It hits it and before it can recover, skiddo unleashes a razor leaf attack. The quagsire, caught off gaurd and still dazed, is swept away. The quagsire faints. As this happens, a corphish, a breloom, and the combusken grapple with the mega-scizor. The scizor is just too fast however. It speeds towards the corphish, with a glowing silver claw, and knocks it back. The bullet punch takes out the corphish.

"Four pokémon fainted. Corphish, Trapinch, Tangela, and Quagsire. 10 pokémon remain." The ref recaps.

"We need to be faster" I tell Terra. "Or, scizor needs to be slower." She rebounds.

     A few trainers listen in. One orders his snorunt to us icy wind. Luckily the scizor is too busy dealing with the combusken and breloom to notice the gust of icy wind coming straight at it. Just in time the combusken and breloom jump out of the way. The mega-scizor is hit and frost collects on its body, effectively slowing it down. Immediately after the vespiquen uses orders its minions to use attack order, impaling the mega-scizor with a bunch of small insects. At the same time another trainer orders her fletchinder to use tailwind, increasing the speed of everyone besides scizor.

     I take advantage of the newfound speed and order skiddo to use leech seed on the scizor. It lands and just when everything seemed to go good, life spits in my face. In the confusion of everything, breloom and its partner  parasect, made their move. "Spore!" Is the only thing heard as every pokémon in the battle dropped as what looked like snow fell on the field. Every pokémon except breloom, parasect and skiddo.

Nervous, I try to reason with the trainers of parasect and breloom. "We should take out all the other pokemon now that they are asleep!" I suggest.

"True, but you could be a problem. If it wasn't for you we wouldn't have gotten this far. So you are a problem." They reply. "Toxic Parasect!" One says. "Mach Punch Breloom" The other says.

     The parasect shoot blobs of purple toxens into the air. The breloom speeds towards skiddo and punches it. Skiddo is tossed back, but recovers quickly. "Tackle the breloom!" I command. Skiddo, using its newfound speed, races to the breloom and slams into it. The breloom stumbles back, unfortunitely into the toxen. It gets badly poisoned.

     Like a miracle, Terra's bagon wakes up. At the same time, combusken does. The combusken goes straight after the mega-scizor, unluckily it starts to awaken as well. The combusken erupts in flames and charges at the groggy scizor. The combusken connects with a fiery kick, the scizor goes flying. The combusken follows up with another kick, this time not in flames, then another.

     While this happens Terra and I deal with the breloom. "Lets Do This!" Terra exclaims without her usually poise. "One order of but kicking coming up! Bagon use focus energy." All I can do is stare. What is up with her? Bagon closes its eyes and glows red and orange. Scizor and skiddo glows green with the leech seed healing skiddo, breloom glows purple and it winces in pain.

"Use headbutt" Terra commands. Bagon rams into breloom with incredible speed. The breloom is sent flying. When it lands it is unconcious.

"Tackle the parasect!" I say seeing a chance to catch it off gaurd. It launches more toxens in an attempt to poison skiddo.

     Terra turns her attention to the battle between combusken and mega-scizor. It blasts a dragon breath at the scizor and the combusken shoots embers at it. The combined attacks connect. Bagon stops its attack and runs to the mega-scizor. It bites the scizor, then launches it into the air. The combusken bursts into flames again and jumps to meet the scizor midair. The combusken clutches onto the scizor and they hurtle down into the earth.

     At the same time, skiddo evades all the blobs of poison and slams into the parasect. The parasect flies into the path of the combusken and the scizor. All three are engulfed in a fiery explosion. When the smoke clears all three pokémon are unconcious.

"Eight pokémon fainted. Corphish, Trapinch, Tangela, Quagsire, Breloom, Parasect, Combusken, and Scizor. 6 pokémon remaining" The ref recaps once again.

The trainer of the combusken calls out to me. "I did that for you. Don't let my actions be in vain. You led us here, now lead yourself to victory." The crowd roars in applause.

     When the applause dies down. Everyone notices that the rest of the pokémon are coming to, probably from the explosion and applause. The snorunt is the first to react, sending an icy wind across the whole field. Everything is hit and covered in frost, slowing them down. That doesn't stop Terra who orders bagon to use bite. Bagon runs up to the snorunt preparing to bite it, then its fangs glow and it crunches down forcefully. Bagon flicks the snorunt to the side. When it lands it is unconcious.

     Bagon's next target is the vespiquen. It jumps towards it, only to slam into a wall of tiny insect defending their queen. "The vespiquen could be a problem." I tell Terra and she stomps in frustration. I tell skiddo to use leech seed and proceed with a tackle. The seeds latch onto the vespiquen. Then skiddo jumps up and slams into vespiquen with more succes than bagon. The vespiquen spirals down.

     The fletchinder takes advantage of this and spits embers at them as they descend. When they crash into the ground, vespiquen falls unconcious. Skiddo is still standing, just a bit weak. While that happened Terra had taken out her frustration out on the shieldon and started on the fletchinder. Victory was in sight. Finally the fletchinder falls. Victory is ours.

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