Chapter 6: First Mission (1/2)

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"Take down swinub" Says the trainer across from me. The swinub charges at my skiddo.

"Dodge it skiddo!" I yell, knowing this battle is going to be close in the end. Skiddo just barely evades.

    The trainer attack the skiddo is Abdul. Abdul is my friend so what is he doing attacking my skiddo? Well a month after the beedrill incedent, the school had its annual Thanksgiving Tourney. Terra and I entered the competetion. We were placed in different sets of the tourney. Each set has a winner. There are twelve sets and in the end two winners pair up to have a free-for-all double battle. The winners both get two TMs, technical machines, of their choice.

     Since the day Terra and I met, we hit it off pretty quickly. I learned however, that she is really . . . volatile. Terra and I planned to pair up in the end, not only because of our friendship, but because we saw this as an oppertunity to practice our synergy. After all we are in a trainer squad together. Speaking of trainer squad, Orlando didn't participate because he is recovering from the flu. Even if he were here he probably wouldn't take part in the tourney.

"End it with razor leaf." I command confidently, knowing that this move would end the match. Leaves surround skiddo and then fly towards swinub. The swinub gets swept away by the move, unconcious.

"Swinub is unable to battle. Nicholas is the winner of Set C!" The referee anounces. The crowd applauds.

     The tourney was taking place in the school auditorium, which doubled as an indoor stadium. The crowd was our friends, family, and tourists who came for the cities Thanksgiving parade and fair. I rush to the school's healing center. I am excited because today is the day beedrill comes out of the hospital. I run out of the building, knowing I have two hours until the other sets are done. I release skiddo from its pokéball and it runs along with me.

     When we reach the hospital we run inside. Nurse Joy and beedrill are there waiting. I take beedrill's pokeball and mega stone from Nurse Joy. I look at the beedrill. "From today, you are mine and skiddo's partner. I hope we can form a strong bond." I say hopefully. The beedrill nods and the three of us walk out.


"Headbutt" Terra commands. Bagon charges toward the starly. It rams its head into it. The starly falls unconcious.

"Starly is unconcious. Terra is the winner of Set F!" The referee anounces. The audiance appluads once again.

     All of a sudden, the principal runs onto the battle field. He was a slender, fairly built man. He had blue hair and a single peircing in his left ear. He grabs the microphone from the referee. He calls all the registered pokémon squadrents into his office and that the tourney is taking an hour break.

     Terra heads into the hall were she calls Nicholas. She tells him to get back to the school quickly, then calls Orlando. Orlando was still too sick to move so it was up to Nicholas and Terra. Nicholas arrives ten minutes later. Once all the squads arrived the principal starts to explain.

"The reason I called you all here is because there has been a robbery. The TM prizes have been stolen. The payment for this mission will be discussed afterwards. If you want, you can leave. I am not forcing you to do this." He explains.

     After he said this, a lot of the squads leave. Only fifteen remain. The principal takes us to the storage room, where the TMs where held. He left shortly to let us do our thing. Nicholas and Terra walk around looking for clues. The first one they found was the electric key pad. It had three claw marks on it, clearly a pokémon's doing. The next was the mess of boxes, this revealed that it was not the work of a bipedal pokémon. The last clue we found were the TMs itself. Only certain TMs were taken.

"Hey Nicholas come here." Terra calls him over. "Only the TMs for Aerial Ace, Dark Pulse, Shadow Ball, and Incinerate are taken." Nicholas checks for himself and realizes that Terra is right.

"So this crime was commited by a pokémon. This pokémon has claws and walks on four legs. This pokémon most likely can learn dark pulse, aerial ace,  shadow ball, and incenerate." Nicholas recaps

     Terra peruzes the evidence again and finds something new. It was red and black fur. There was only one pokémon that fit the description. "Zorua!" They shouted at the same time. They figured out the mystery so now they had to catch the theif. In that moment there was a loud boom.

     Terra and Nicholas runs to the sound. They see the zorua fighting some of the students from the school. The four-legged fox like pokémon stands there.Its legs had tips of red and the top of its head had it as well. The zorua was shooting shadow balls and hitting thier pokémon with aerial aces. Even with the power in numbers, the trainers were still losing. Terra and Nicholas look at each other and join the fight.

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