Chapter 5: A New Party Member

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After the loud cry, an explosion follows. Skiddo and I arrive in the proximity of the explosion, however what we see will haunt our memories. The scene in front of us was a trainer, in his mid 20s, an onix, and a beedrill. The beedrill is what clearly made the sound. How I know? One of the beedrill's antenea was sliced in half, bleeding, and laying limply on its head; the stinger on its right foreleg was, by the looks of it, forcefully ripped off; and its tail had a big gash in it, allowing its poison to leak out.

I gag and skiddo winces. The trainer looks angry and the beedrill looks scared. The trainer mouths something and the onix begins to move. It raises its tail in a quick motion, and before I realize what its doing its too late. The onix flicks it tail and a single rock flies out. I run to the beedrill as the rock flies toward it. At that moment a bunch of leaves fly at the rock and slices it into pebbles, thus saving the beedrill.

"Who are you?!" The trainer yells in fury. Skiddo runs in front of me defensively.

"What are you doing to this poor pokémon?" I ask, with an equal amount of fury.

"This failure of a pokémon deserves what I'm doing. I wasted my money buffing this beedrill, and it's still weak. I bought TMs, payed for move tutors, and even wasted a month looking for this things mega stone. It can't even mega evolve, it deserves to die." As he says this, anget builds in me. He will pay.

"You won't get away with this." I respond

"Who is gonna stop me?", he snickers,"Use rock tomb onix". The onix flicks his tail again and more rocks fly towards the beedrill. Again leaves fly towards the rocks and pulverize them, but this time I see where they come from. It was my skiddo.

"Skiddo use leech seed" I command with a new confidence. Skiddo shakes and seeds fly towards the onix.

"Stop it with bind" He says. The onix slithers towards skiddo and wraps skiddo with its body. It squeezes and skiddo cries in pain.

"Razor Leaf" I say, hoping the leaves will strike around it. The leaves swirl around, hitting onix and freeing skiddo. The onix slithers away. Skiddo and the onix both glow green.

"Smack down" The trainer commands. Again the onix flicks his tail, however this time the rock zooms towards skiddo. The rock hits it with incredible speed. Skiddo stumbles back.

"Razor leaf again." I say a bit caught off gaurd by the speed. The leaves swirl around skiddo then fly to the onix. The onix dodges it but not some stray leaves still hit him. Both pokémon glow the familiar green color.

"Bind the skiddo again" Skiddo is ready to dodge it but the onix, even faster than before, coils around it. Before I have a chance to react, the onix uses a dragon breath. The onix spews the pink and purple gas onto skiddo, while it is helpless to defend himself.

"Stop!" I yell desperetely. In that moment the, up until now, aloof beedril steps in the battle. The beedrill glows a tan brown, and points its tail stinger towards the onix and spirals towards it. This forces the onix to dodge the attack, releasing skiddo.

I decide to take advantage of the distraction, "Razor leaf". Skiddo fires a flurry of leaves at the onix. The onix is hit and falls, unconcious. The trainer curses. "Fine! Whatever, do what you want with that failure." He yells and throws some type of stone at the beedrill. The stone pierces the beedrill's wings and it falls. Then, he is gone.

I return my skiddo to its pokéball and call the police. They arrive a few minutes later. They question me then take the beedrill to a healing center. After they finish questioning they take me to where beedrill was being held. The nurse, nurse Joy, comes out to talk to me.

"This pokémon is registered as wild." She tells me.

"What? How?" I ask.

"The trainer could have released it or smashed the pokéball. Either way he ressigned ownership." She explains.

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because since you rescued it, you have to be the first we would ask to take it. So what do you say? Do you want this beedrill?" She offers

This was a good deal. I could get a new team member, a powerful one at that, and get the publicity for rescueing it. Also it is injured and in need of to love it. Should I do it though? What if it doesn't listen to me? Then I remember how it saved skiddo from the onix. Maybe it is good.

"Yes, I do want the beedrill." I say accepting her offer.

Nurse Joy regesters me as the beedrill's owner. She also explains how severe beedrill's injuries were. Also what to do to help with its recovery. I text Orlando and tell him about my new addition. He seems impressed I was able to obtain such a powerful team member.

"I didn't want to tell you this before but the perks of owning this beedrill is owning its mega stone, the beedrillite. With that you can mega evolve your beedrill. However, you need to have a strong bond with it and you need a keystone. Also your beedrill's moveset is: Poison Jab, X-Scissor, Double Edge, and Drill Run." She informs me.

I leave the hospital ecstatic about today's events. Skiddo learned a new move, I saved a pokémon from abuse, and gained a powerful, potential mega evolving team member.

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