The Legend

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There are four children who will not be completely human when they are born. They will possess supernatural abilities. These children are called The Elementals. They will be born in this order: fire, earth, sky, and water; there will be two boys and two girls. These children will each be able to control all magic related to their element. The magic is either dark or light; fire and sky are dark while earth and water are light. They cannot die, or even get sick. They do not need to eat, drink, or sleep. They can become the mythical creature related to their element; a dragon for fire, a unicorn for earth, a Pegasus for air, and a sea monster for water. They cannot physically age past 17. They will be born on the 13th of four consecutive months, starting with fire on the 13th of March.

I'm sorry that there isn't a cover yet. I lost the original file, so I only have a paper copy. I am recreating it but that requires photoshop. My photoshop decided that it wanted me to delete it and reinstall it to work. I will add the cover as soon as I can. Thanks for reading! <3

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