Chapter 8

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Ember's POV:

We have been walking around for three weeks since we found Skylar. We have explored several beaches and even gotten in the ocean for several hours straight, and we have found nothing. We haven't even found something that might signify where he is. Technically, Forrest could talk to the animals, but he doesn't know how to use his powers; other than how to become a unicorn.

We are coming up on the last beach in the United States. The only thing I know about where everyone was born is that we were all born in the United States, so I'm hoping he'll be here. This is Pensacola Beach and it is beautiful; definitely one of the prettiest ones we've been to.

We wander the beach for a few hours, but we find nothing. We even ask a few people if they have seen a 17-year-old boy with bright blue hair, but no one has seen him. I realize, he must still be in the water, he rarely comes out because he finds security there. He is my half-brother. My dad was cheating on my mom, and that woman ended up pregnant. They didn't want the child, but right before my dad died he told me that I had a half brother who is like me. This brother is three months younger making him the water elemental. I am ready to meet my younger brother.

My thoughts are interrupted by a scream. I see a large figure in the water. After a few moments I realize that the figure is the sea monster that my younger brother becomes. I run and dive into the water; the other two follow. Water realizes who we are and returns to his human form to greet us. At least I hope he does this to greet us.

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