Chapter 4

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Rain's POV:

I control all forms of water. My hair is bright blue and my eyes are a darker unnatural blue. I can talk to animals that live in the water so I have lived in the ocean all my life. I never had to worry about what people thought of me, and I was never lonely because I had the animals. My life has been full of luxuries no one else has ever had or ever will have. I can not only breathe underwater, but I can withstand the pressure of the water at depths normal people would be crushed at. I have been able to see the wonders of the deep sea, and see places no one has ever gone. I collected data about this hidden world that I will one day release to the world, but that will only be once I leave the safety of the water to face the real world.

I want to help keep the world in balance. I know that I will understand why we all of a sudden have to all find each other, but in order for me to that understand I have to be found. Because I am the youngest, I won't need to help find anybody. I am the last one to be found, so I just have to wait around until the other three find me. After they do, I will just have to do my job to help fix whatever the problem is that caused us to need to come together. When we finish with our mission, we will part ways until the balance in the universe is upset again. This cycle will repeat over and over forever; every time the universe and the elements are unstable.

My parents never wanted me; I was a mistake. Except that, I wasn't. My mother ended up pregnant for a reason. They were chosen to be the parents of me; the water elemental. I never knew them, all I know is that they left a note with me on the side of the road. I eventually learned how to read and read the note. It told me that they didn't want me. That I was a mistake. I decided to go to the water. I lived there from the time I was 17 until now. Now I have come out of the water and I wander around on beaches in plain sight, waiting to be found by the other three elementals. Once they do find me, we will fix whatever the issue is and then we will go back to our normal lives, but the next time we have to do this fire will know exactly where to find each one of us. She won't have to try to find us. I won't be surprised if we set up a meeting place for the next time this happens.

I vow to make sure that the others know that they are wanted and loved. I am the water elemental.

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