chapter 8

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At 04:00 AM alicorn awake from his sleep


alicorn: dammit clock!

Alicorn shot the clock with his pistol

Alicorn: die you clock!

Before alicorn pull the trigger he realize something

Alicorn: oh yeah I should put my suppressor on so I don't get anyone attention

He put the suppressor into his pistol

Alicorn: aim first then.... Fire!

He shot the clock at the middle

Alicorn: finally I can sleep in peace now

After he shot the clock he back at his sleep

Meanwhile in the hospital at Essex room, we could see Essex and Bunker sleeping, but Essex awake from her bed

Essex: that was a long sleep, oh Bunker is sleeping here? Where's shangri?

Bunker hear Essex talk

Bunker: shangri is with alicorn to look after it

Essex: Bunker? Are in my room all day?

Bunker: yup to look after you

Essex: where's shangri?

Bunker: like I said she's with alicorn

Shangri: why shangri is with alicorn? What is she doing with him?!

Bunker: relax she's just take care of alicorn, I'm just worried if alicorn was taken by yanderes and ark royal

Essex: ark royal? Is she just obsessed with destroyers?

Bunker: well no, she is now want alicorn

Essex: that's awful, but where will shangri sleep? Is she sleep in alicorn sub?

Bunker: about that I don't know

Essex: ok what time is it?

Essex looks at the clock

Essex: 04:15 AM I should another rest the repairs should done at 12 AM

Bunker: rest well big sister, I'm gonna accompany you here

Essex: no it's okay I appreciate your offer, but now you need to sleep at your dorm

Bunker: ok big sis

Bunker leaves Essex room

Essex: so sad yesterday I don't join with the fleet, I feel curious about jet aircraft like siren, but alicorn have one of those "jets" and they are really advance and more powerful

Back at Bunker

Vestal: ahh Bunker where are you going?

Bunker: I'm gonna head to my dorm

Vestal: okay be safe

Bunker: I will

Bunker then leaves the hospital and walk to her dorm

Bunker:(mind) I wonder where shangri is now maybe she sleeps with alicorn? Since Essex and me not sleeping at the dorm. Well could be shangri doesn't want to sleep alone or she sleeps with alicorn, but sometimes she sleeps alone, me,Essex and shangri always have a dorm key

She continued walk until she see ark royal

Ark royal: hehehe I will sneak up into alicorn submarine!

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