chapter 15

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Alicorn: we gonna have you punishment! Ar-bi-ter!~

Justice: a heavy punishment

Arbiter seems she can't do anything she accept their punishment

Arbiter: I'm sorry! I accept the punishment!!

Alicorn: well then...

Alicorn stare at arbiter


Arbiter:(mind) is he gonna kill me?!!

Purifier wakes up from her little nap

Arbiter: purifier help!

Purifier: oh look! *Hic* it's azur lane! *Hic* let's play a game! *Hic* hey you little girl!

Ayanami: huh me?

Purifier: look at that girl! *Hic* that girl being bullied by little boi! *Hic*

Ayanami: please purifier you are drunk

Sirius: that is not normal looking purifier

Furutaka: she is drunk, is she drink to much alcohol?

Yorktown: yup purifier is drunk because alicorn forced her to drink vodka?

Avrora: how the hell he got our vodka!

Bataan: well he said to me he got vodka bottle on somewhere in island where a box full of vodka bottle

Gronzy: so he use vodka to make his enemies drunk?

Purifier: ah look! "Hic" a cute little girl! *Hic*

Gronzy: get away from me you drunk lolicon!

Gronzy doesn't have a time to dodge purifier, purifier then hugs gronzy

Purifier: you are *hic* a cute girl! *Hic*

Chapayev: get away from her you siren!

Chapayev pulls away purifier

Purifier: you meanie! *Hic* I'm gonna kick you! *Hic*

Purifier use her leg to attack chapayev she evaded then purifier immediately fell sleep

Chapayev: I guess she is can't handle the vodka

Gronzy: she is not worthy chapayev, she can't handle vodka, vodka can only be drink by the true soviet soldier

Chapayev: ah you right comrade grozny.

Back at alicorn

Justice: so you want to escape huh?

Arbiter:  umm yes! I want to go home!

Alicorn:, not so fast there arbiter!~ you need to clean this meet before you go!

Arbiter: can I just go home now?!! I promise I will not attack your base again! Please!!!!

Alicorn: is that a promise?

Arbiter: YES!!!

justice: what happend if you broke the promise?

Arbiter: *GASP*

Justice:, I think you will dead tho, all I want to live in peace! Where no enemies attacking... Bad luck for me I can't enjoy my sleep if enemy is attacking.... And you gonna pay it arbiter!

Arbiter:, please forgive me everything!!! I promise!!

Justice: is that ,so? Alicorn what do you say?

Alicorn: arbiter! Do you want to get free?

Arbiter:, YES PLEASE!!!

Alicorn: well then you have 2 option!~

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