Kitty/The Dark Artifices/Just Soft Shiz For Your Heart

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Kit x Ty

When Ty had first met Kit, he was fascinated with him. He wanted to study him like a new bug or read him like a paperback. He never thought that one day he'd be fighting alongside him. And he never ever thought he'd hear that Kit was in love with him.

The first time he heard that confession was when Ty was trying to resurrect his dead sister. It was shocking, and it really put a pin in their friendship. It wasn't until a week later he heard that he had left with Tessa and Jem. He wished he could say he was happy for him, but he wasn't. He wanted to continue solving mysteries with him. He wanted everything to go back to normal. He felt like he lost so much that losing him would be the last straw.

He had seen him every so often at gatherings and important meetings. Even during small battles, they would exchange glances, neither knowing what to say.

It was years later when Kit approached him, at his graduation from Scholomance. Ty was suprised to see him, he looked alnost the same, just rougher. He had more scars, one particular one that ran up the fleshy part of his hand and disappeared under his black jacket. He was still just as fascinating and beautiful.

"Ty... its been a while, congratulations on the graduation." He said awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck. "Although this doesnt seem like your scene." He motioned to the crowd forming and pushing around them.

"Its not, but you know, you can't skip graduation." He said plainly, "I can leave now though, do you want to catch up?" He asked, brushing his hair from his eyes.

Kit nodded, smiling slightly, he started working his way out of the school grounds, he jumped slightly when a hand wrapped around his own. He looked back to see Ty, pushing his headphones over his ears. For a moment he could see him when he was younger, headphones on and smiling at his sister. He pushed the painful memory away and gripped his hand unconsciously.

By the time they had pushed to a quiet space, they were in the gardens. Ty was still holding his hand when they stopped under an oak tree. They kinda stood there awkwardly looking at their hands. Both with Shadowhunter Marks and some scars, but Tys fingers were bony and long and Kit had that scar he noticed earlier.

"What happened to your hand?" Ty asked bluntly, running his finger over the scarred skin.

"I got in a fight at the Shadow Market. A couple of rouge Warlocks made sure I never forgot that day." He chuckled wryly, nervous energy boiling inside his ribcage.

"The Shadow Market. I remember it there, so many people. And the animals locked up. And that old dude with the attitude problem and a grudge." He rattled his memory and spilled out his thoughts.

"We were so young-" Kit started.

"Did you really love me?" Ty interrupted him, his brain running on high gear.

"What- yeah- yes. Ty, I loved you. I still love you. But I know that you don't feel the same and thats fine-"

Kits words were cut short by a pair of trembling lips on his. Ty was holding him tightly, pressing his face onto Kits. Although it wasn't graceful, it was Ty, it was perfect. He pulled away quickly.

"Scholomamce taught me that. To do what I feel is right..." he said, his hands shaking in Kits.

"Well then why didn't you go sooner?" Kit joked around, smiling.

"Because I wasn't of age." Ty said then spoke again, "Sarcasm, right?"

"Right. Ty- can I kiss you?" He said dreamily, looking at the perfect boy

"I can kiss you." He said, leaning up to press his lips to Kits again, this time letting Kit ruffle his hair.

It lasted a bit longer this time, Kit ran his hands over Tys arms, causing him to shudder. Kit pulled away,

"You okay?" Kit asked, concerned

"Im just... so happy." Ty hugged him under the oak tree and the autumn leaves fell around them.

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