Drarry/Harry Potter/Trapped

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Draco x Harry

Draco had never not wanted to be at a party more. As a Prefect, his house strongly recommended he attend almost every student-led event at Hogwarts. But this one was being thrown by the Ravenclaws who often used their wit and creativity to sneak beer on campus, learn super innapropriate hexes, and play insanely loud music. But no one dared to stop them.

He was sitting on their many royal blue chaises, admiring the sharp eye of the stone eagle perched above him. As usual, Harry Potter, The Chosen One, was making an absolute fool out of himself by being the life of the party. Potter was snogging that small Weasley and eyeing a Ravenclaw walking by at the same time. Draco scoffed, what an idiot, he thought to himself.

It's a shame he'd do that to the girl Weasley, who even Draco knew was a catch. And Harry was usually a shy and more or less respectful bloke, but when alcohol was added to the equation it sent him spiralling. Over the last year, Draco laid off of Harry a bit, he even developed a small crush on him which he quickly slammed shut in a box along with all his other feelings.

They had a bit of an act once, becoming closer than ever literally and figuratively.. But Harry simply called the whole thing a joke and continued to express his so called hatred and spite torwards Draco.

"Oi Malfoy!" Harry called over the poinding music from across the room.

Draco looked up lazily, "What?" He asked, watching as he swam through the crowd with the redhead on his hip and his gang behind him.

Wow what a change of power compared to former years. He envied a time where he had the girl and the gang. But now they all were dead, or in Azkaban, or hated his guts. Or some weird combination of the three...

"Draco... oh how amused you look all alone!" Harry slurred and Ginny looked at him with concern.

"Well I'm having a blast watching you wreck yourself Potter, thanks for asking."

Draco smirked and Hermione turned a shade pinker, her fists quaking. Ahh an angry drunk. He turned his attention to Ron who was attached to Hermoines arm, talking to her seductively though it appeared she wasnt hearing a word. Okay so we've got the flirty drunk. He peered at Ginny who seemed half irritated half embarrassed. The girl who is too pure to drink. And his focus turned back to Harry again.

"Are you looking at my girl, Malfoy?" Harry asked, stepping forward.

"You know I have a name-" Ginny tried to talk but Draco stood up.

He had been itching for a fight with Potter for the longest time. He wanted a chance to tell him off, to prove that he was an inconsiderate jerk. So he antagonized.

"And if I was? We both know she deserves way better than you.." Draco said calmly though his blood was boiling on the inside.

"What did you just say about my girlfriend?" Harry growled, his green eyes glaring at him.

"Hey! My name is Ginny. Ginny Weasley. And I am not going to be argued over! I'll see you tomorrow Harry, lets see how long you can take care of yourself."

She pulled herself off of him and stormed out of the Common Room. The party didn't skip a beat. Although he definitely wasnt trying to argue for her, he was glad he made the girlfriend- Ginny, he meant Ginny- pissed at Potter.

His smirk didn't last as a hard blow shot pain up his jaw. Draco was flung to the the left about two feet and Harrys fist was in the air. That made the party hush at the sight. Draco grabbed his aching jaw and wiped his own scarlet blood onto his white sleeve.

"Ahh still sticking to the barbaric muggle ways I see, Potter." Draco spit his name like venom. His hand shot forward with his wand pointed at Harry.

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