Boyf Riends/Be More Chill/Caught Masturbating

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Jeremy x Michael

R e q u e s t e d


Jeremy was still a teen. Eighteen but still a teen. He just wished he had teen responsibilities. He had just graduated from his small high school in New Jersey and was packing his room up to ship to California. He called Michael, his boyfriend, to come help him but he never picked up, so he shot him a text.

Its been hours.

And to be honest, Jeremy doesn't have enough arm strength to do this alone.

He began picking up his disastrous closet and shoving items haphazardly into a box. Yearbooks, sketchbooks, random papers, and portfolios. Jeremy stopped suddenly when he came across a familiar red hoodie with colorful designs on it. Michael had given this hoodie to him a year ago when he had gotten a new one. It still had the faded patches sewn on carefully, he held it close to him and thought about calling Michael again.

He took a deep breath of the swirling aroma that Michael smelled like, a mix of weed, off brand shampoo, and cologne. Jeremy sat down on his bed and suddenly remembered Michael with this jacket, kissing him on this bed, for the first time. And the second, third, fourth, and probably hundredth time.

He laid back on his completely stripped off bed and contemplated to himself. Do I call Michael again? Do I take a nice needed break and possibly enjoy myself with this time alone? Both. Both is good. Jeremy scrolled through his contacts and called Michael again, it rang for a minute then,

"Whats up you've reached the voicemail of Micheal Mell the Man with a Plan! Please leave a message-" Jeremy hung up smiling to himself, what an idiot.

He was laying flat on his bed, holding the jacket close. He already felt his erection coming a while ago when he texted Michael and saw the remnants of last nights chat, so he figured it couldn't hurt to just get off quickly. No one was home and the door was locked so there was no need to close his bedroom door. And he could be loud, he smirked and got a little bit too excited.

He placed Michaels large hoodie to the side, not wanting to mess it up. Jeremy let his hand slide through his clothed legs, rubbing against his slightly painful erection. He bit his lip and used his other arm to reach up his shirt, pinching at his nipple. He groaned, closing his eyes.

Jeremy pulled away from himself then hooked his thumbs around his waistband, pulling his pants to his knees.

"Ah-aahh~" Jeremy moaned, thrusting his hips up as the cold air enveloped his cock.

He wrapped his hands over his erection and began to grind himself on his cupped hands. He whimpered as he fucked his hands, precum was sliding onto his base already.

"Micha.. Micha~ Ah! Nngh..." Jeremy called loudly, imagining his boyfriends perfect face.

Jeremy snatched the half empty lube bottle in his drawer, pouring some of its contents onto his shaking hands. He started stroking himself with one hand, the other was pushing digits into his ass. He could imagine Michael hovering over him, a relaxed smile on his face and his hard cock inside of him.

"A-aah! Michael! Fuck~" he moaned loudly, cumming so hard it flew onto his stomach and bed.

He rolled to the side to get a better angle in his ass when he saw Michael. Like actual Michael. Standing in his room with his big brown eyes and overalls. So Jeremy did what he thought was best.

He screamed and fell off his bed.

"FUCK MICHAEL WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY SOMETHING!" Jeremy yelled and pulled his clothes back on frantically.

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