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Pre-serum Steve x Bucky

"C'mon Steve... you're enlisted now, you can drink!" Bucky pulled the small boy close, slightly buzzed.

It was two days before Steve was supposed to go in for basic training and Bucky wanted to celebrate.

"Are you sure? Because Im not even legal-"

He started, finding his place between Buckys biceps and chest, he held a shot in his hand. They were in their living room, the only place Steve could cuddle a friend without getting the side eye.

"Steve this is the safest place you could try alcohol! Besides, Ill make sure you don't do anything stupid." Bucky sipped his beer, glancing at Steve.

"Fine fine! But if I don't like it, drop the idea Buck' I'm not kidding." He glared at his roomate who just chuckled.

"Okay Mr. Cranky Pants. Just do it. We'll take one together. Ready..?"

Buck and Steve we're now facing eachother, a shot in their hands.




They both downed the strong liquor.  Steve shook his head after, coughing slightly. Buck seemed almost unaffected, swallowing hard.

"Was that really that bad?" Buck ruffled his hair, getting up to dispose of his beer can.

"Geez Buck I can't believe I did that. Im drunk!" He giggled.

"Off of one shot? Probably not Steve.." Bucky smiled to himself, washing the plate he used earlier. There was some muffled noises coming from behind him but he just figured it was Steve messing around.

A pair of small arms wrapped around his waist, causing him to jump slightly. He was used to being a tad intimate with Steve, always behind closed doors, never talking about it. But Buck knew that Steve was thinking of something he'd later regret.

"You okay Steve? Don't tell me you're so thin that you're actually drunk from one shot?" He asked, not getting an answer.

He turned around so Steve was basically hugging him. He could see the bottle of vodka, slightly less in there than before. He looked down at Steve who was smiling blissfully at his chest.

"Alright- wow. You drank more.. you should probably get to bed."

Bucky dipped down to hook his arm under Steves, helping him to his bedroom. He hadn't been in there for a while, everything had been rearranged, papers were sticking out of the drawers, and his uniform was hanging on his dresser. He sat the small man on his bed.

"Buck am I drunk now?" Steve draped his body lazily over Buckys.

"Yeah Steve, I think you are. Look at you, you're wasted." He smirked, rubbing at his red cheek.

"I like it, I feel so light... Buck..." he reached out to cup his chiseled face but Bucky looked away.

"Steve, you know we can't... its illegal remember. And you're drunk anyway." He sighed, rubbing his eyes tiredly.

Steve started unbuttoning his shirt, his body flushed from the alcohol. Bucky looked away, burying his face in his hands. He wondered how many times he had wanted to touch his chest in a more intimate way.

"Steve, you're going to regret this. Steve stop..." Bucky tried to urge him but even his voice gave up on him. He sounded flat and tired.

Steve was now shirtless and was pushing his slacks off. He moved slowly, taking his underwear off, Bucky tried so hard to look away, he really did. He pleaded to himself to keep his cool, don't let this escalate.

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