Erasermic/BNHA/Sex Pollen

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Eraserhead x Present Mic

Aizawa had dealt with dangerous quirks before, they made for great stories. And usually his best stories would come from his pro-hero days before he was forced to retire into teaching. But his favorite story, was one you couldn't tell at family gatherings, and it was from his teaching days.

Two years before he met Midoriya, Japans greatest hero, he met Nitsuka, a sweet girl with a powerful quirk. Her quirk was called "sex pollen" and it was the strongest quirk Aizawa had ever come in contact with. She had very little control over it and it often fired off when she was startled. Of course he didn't know that at the time.

A late Friday afternoon, Aizawa had just come back from the teachers lounge where Mic and All Might were chatting loudly about something unimportant. He held a stack of papers to grade in his hands, sighing as he knew he had to grade them by Monday. He turned the knob of 1As large door and stepped inside the classroom.

"Aizawa-Sensai!" A girls voice rang out and Aizawa surveyed the scene before him.

Nitsuka was on his desk, UA shirt unbuttoned and a boy from general studies was standing between her legs. They had obviously been kissing or whatever young people do.

"I thought you were gone for the day!" She gasped, covering her chest. Not wanting to get in trouble, the boy darted past Aizawa and out the door. Aizawa let him go.

"Its- its alright Nitsuka, just.. adjust yourself and meet me outside the door."

He said in his drawled voice, backing out of his classroom and trying to shake the picture from his head. A few short moments later, a very red Nitsuka shuffled out the classroom.

"Sir I should warn you- my quirk-" she started

Aizawa held up a hand, looking at her tiredly,

"Enough. A weeks detention nothing more nothing less. This will not happen again, am I clear?" He said quietly

She looked like she was going to protest but swallowed her pride, "Yes sir." She nodded, gulping hard.

"Go. Stay safe over the weekend and come back with a fresh start." He said and turned on his heel, walking back to the lounge.

Children are idiots. He thought to himself. He was three doors down from the lounge when his legs gave out completely. He faceplanted onto the floor, groaning loudly.

"Shota?" Mic and All Might had stepped out from the office and were by his side.

Aizawa looked up at Mic, locking eyes for a short moment. A sharp feeling pierced his gut like he just- oh shit. He felt the warmth in his boxers quickly, he turned on his side, trying to get up.

"Im fine. Get off of me." He said, pretending he didn't need help.

He swayed and leaned against the wall, biting his lip. What the fuck was that? He seriously just came from absolutely nothing..

"Shota, let us take you to the infirmary." All Might instisted and grabbed his arm.

"Ahh! No! Im fine! Im okay!" He covered up his moan with more protests.

"Sinki Kitsuka." He panted, "Her quirk is-"

"Sex Pollen? An interesting one, I know." All Might said, thinking out loud.

"Fuck!" Aizawa punched the wall. He knew of sex pollen quirks, very rare and very strong. He cursed to himself ad he felt his painful hard-on strain against his fabric.

"Aizawa, are you okay?"

Mic rested a hand on his shoulder and Aizawa sunk to his knees again only to be scooped up back onto his feet by Mic. He slung Aizawas arm around his shoulder to support his weight.

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