Todobaku/BNHA/ Daddy kink

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Todoroki x Bakugou

In action movies a bomb could have six seconds left and 5 minutes could go by and its only gone down to 2 seconds. Let me tell you, it doesn't work like that in real life. Todoroki and Bakugou were probably the worst team on the field for this exercise.

It was spring training and the goal was to correctly defuse the fake bomb on time. The thing is, this machine would show if it exploded if it were real, whether that be by blunt force (AKA Bakugou losing his temper), heat (Todoroki accidentally using his flames under stress), or just running out of time.

Twenty six times, team TodoBaku (or BakuTodo as Bakugou insisted) set off this bomb, twenty six times. It got to the point where Aizawa assigned them both to successfully complete this project outside of school and on their own time. Which meant Bakugou would have to go to Icyhots shitty dorm..

Todoroki had always admired Bakugou, he wished he was more out there like he was. And sure Bakugou could be a jerk sometimes but he was a jerk too, so really they should get along fine. Todoroki sighed, setting the fake bomb on his bed, crossing his legs.

He restarted the timer and popped open the main control panel. He looked at the wires and tried to remember what Aizawa had told him, was it diconnect black or red? He glanced at the time and cursed, quickly disconnecting the black, then the yellow, then merging the red and the blue.

He huffed, expecting something to happen but to his suprise, the time was frozen. He solved it. It was done, a wave of relief washed over him and he smiled a bit. A knock on his door rattled him from his awe.

"Oi Half and Half lets get this stupid project over with." Bakugou called through the door.

Todoroki thought about telling him that he solved it but something stopped him. He paused, thinking to himself

"Are you gonna let me in your fucking room or no?" Bakugou cursed

Todoroki hit the reset button and redid the wires. He closed the panel and opened up the door. Bakugou stormed in,

"Finally. Now lets get this done." He growled, crossing his arms.

"Watch your language in my room." Todoroki said coldly, sitting on his bed.

Bakugou joined him sitting crisscross across from him.

"I do what I want." He snapped.

"Not in my room you don't. So close your damn mouth." Todoroki growled.

Bakugou said nothing and popped open the panel and began furiously undoing and redoing wires. Todoroki rolled his eyes, wondering if he looked that stupid yesterday when he didn't know what he was doing.

"I think its the red wir-" Todoroki suggested

"Shut up Ive got it!" Bakugou yelled, smoke streaming from his hands.

It would be impossible to deactivate this bomb of it was melted. Todoroki grabbed his wrists quickly, holding them up above Bakugous head as small explosions crackled through the air. They sat there for a heartbeat or two, frozen in the pose. Bakugou had a priceless reaction on his face, somwhere between Im gonna fucking kill you and Im gonna fucking kiss you.

Todoroki dropped his hands glancing sideways, "You almost ruined the wires." He muttered, blushing softly.

"Don't touch me icyhot bitch..." he said quietly, lacking his usual flare.

There was a moment where everything was silent.

Todoroki set his hands on Bakugous thighs, steadying himself as he leaned forward to kiss him. Bakugou furiously met his lips, instantly trying to win dominance. But Todoroki wasn't having it. He snatched Bakugous wrists again, pressing them into the wall behind him, forcing his body back against the wall.

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