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How do all of the characters feel about the book ending and how do they feel about its readers? -YeetzmeinZtrash

John: I think I speak for all of us when I say that this has been an emotional roller coaster.

Everyone: *nods in agreement*

John: We've cried and laughed and loved and hated. It's gonna be difficult to end this part of our lives. At the end of the day though, we're not worried. At the end of every chapter comes another update. And at the end of one part, comes another.

Alex: Now about the readers. Our author has been laughing and crying tears of joy since the very first day because of y'all. The only reason our story was able to happen so quickly, is because each day she felt the motivation to write another chapter. And she got her motivation from y'all.


Is Alex going to get John a turtle and name him Phillip? -AlexanderHamilham184

Alex: Well, I am getting him a turtle. But I'm probably going to name him Anthony. Phillip sounds like a great name for a child though... so perhaps soon, the next story may begin with a boy named Phillip.


Are John and Alex gonna have kids? If so, how about the name Phillip? Hehe -lams_or_jamilton

John: I would love to have kids!

Alex: *nods in agreement* Phillip like Peggy's dad? I... rather like that name.


What are the names of their seven kids? -Kat_is_the_hat

SunkissedChild5: Of all of the numbers in the Hamilton fandom, you had to choose '7'?! *channels inner Seabury* FOR SHAAAAME! (I freakin love you and you know it)

Alex: I don't know about seven kids, but I think that three or four would be a good amount.

John: Two girls and two boys!

Alex: Phillip and Frances! (Not after the butthole who's now dead)

John: And George and Martha!


To Alex: After John broke up with Alex, did he get depressed? If so, did he ever cut? -ThisBoiCanGacha

John: I w-was in— I was hurting... *breaks down*

Alex: *hugs him* John was in a dark place. He was definitely depressed. There w-was a period of time after Francis died where John was at his worst. One day, I f-found him with a knife and— and he... *sobs*

SunkissedChild5: Yes, John did cut for a bit. He was hurting more than any person should ever have to hurt. But his friends were there to help him heal and eventually he got better. That's why he waited two years before proposing. He wanted to be fully capable of loving himself before he pledged his life to loving somebody else.


To Laff, Herc, Peggy, Maria, Mr. Washington, and Mrs. Washington: On a scale of one to ten, how much did you want to kill John after he broke up with Alex and got with Francis? And who wanted to kill him the most? -ThisBoiCanGacha

Peggy: 9. I made it clear how I felt when I smacked him.

Laff: 8. I was so confused! It wasn't like John to hurt Alex like that. It was obvious he loved him.

Herc: 8. I was furious for sure! But he was still our John, you know? It's hard to hate somebody who you've loved as your brother for so long.

Maria: 7. I was angry at him, but I've been with an abusive boyfriend before. I had my suspicions as soon as he broke up with him. It was just... so sudden.

Mrs. Washington: 6. John hurt Alex, which of course made me upset. But he was still only 18. Was I disappointed? Absolutely. Was I wanting to kill him? No.

Washingdad: 51. Speak for yourself, Martha. As soon as I heard the news I was furious. I trusted John to take care of my son and he hurt him. My student or not, that is unacceptable. Nobody hurts my son!

SunkissedChild5: Needless to say, Mr. Washington was the most murderous of the bunch.


Hey Washingdad! aRE yOU aNd mArTHA rEaDY fOR sOmE gRAnDbAbIES?? -AngelicxStories

Martha: yAs



Are y'all ready for this book to end? -mtrull-1209

John: At this point, I think so. I just have this feeling. It like—

Alex: It's like there's something missing in our lives. Something just ahead. We're ready to figure out what it's is.

John: Were ready to start the next chapter of our lives.

Thanks again (again)!  *throws phone onto bed* -SunkissedChild5

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