Part 17

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The day started like any other day. They woke up, had a little family time, had breakfast. But something was up. Khushi could feel it. She looked across the hall at her husband and son who were huddled together, looking into some book of Ebu. She sighed and ran her hand over her belly.

"Hang in there, little one. Don't you think of any mischief.", Khushi could feel something was about to happen – whether good or bad, that's yet to be seen.

"Khushi, come here. You take over now, I have a call to attend."

Khushi smiled at her husband and stood up.

"Sure!", she filled the space vacated by Arnav. These past days Arnav had started working from home completely. Scared that something will go wrong with her, and he might not be there to take care of her, he is beside her almost all the time. Asking every few minutes how she is, does she need anything, is she feeling alright. Some days it becomes too much for her, specially with her mood swings. But she tries her best to handle her over protective husband, reminding herself every minute from where his all worries come from. The past months, she thinks she has done a really good job of handling some of his fears. Her baby has been a real good help. She hasn't gone through half of the trouble she has heard pregnant women usually go. She just hopes her baby continues to be a good baby. God! It would be so good if she had just one thing to worry about – giving birth to a child. Here she has to worry about the father as well. She worries more about the father than her upcoming labor.

"Ebu, baby, do you think normal is good?", she has no idea what to think or do anymore. Especially today. Doesn't look like it's her day today.

"Yes, Amma, normal is good. But what is normal?", was Ebu's innocent reply.

Khuhi smiled. She pulled Ebu close to her and smiled. "No idea, baby. It's hard to distinguish now."

"What is dis....dis...teen..gus?"

"You will know one day. Come let's do something.", she stood up and pulled Ebu along.

"Do what, Amma?"

"Make Jalebi?"

Ebu grinned. Jalebi is good. He likes jalebi. And he enjoys making it with his Amma.

Making the batter, she poured the oil in the utensil. Once the oil was hot, she started coiling the batter.

Ebu stood at a little distance, looking into the utensil. He was enjoying looking at his Amma's wrist, moving with so ease. But suddenly the hand stopped. He looked at his Amma's face.

"Ebu, I think it's time."

Ebu looked back into the pan. "I don't think so, Amma. Look, they are not golden yet.", he pointed at the frying delight.

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