Chapter One

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Abby's POV

It was full moon by the time I reached the highway and I choose a spot where nobody will get suspicious. I made that mistake once when a police  saw me there and I had to explain my reason for being there. I told them that I had too much to drink and I was waiting for the effect of the alcohol to wear off. It took a lot of convincing and a lot of lies and thank God they bought it. I don't drink mind you but it was better to tell them that I drink instead of telling them that I was waiting for my children to finish playing in the forest then I have to reveal the fact that my children are werewolves.

My name is Abby Montage. I know my surname sounds strange because I  am an orphan. I was raised by a monster hunter and lived in a human society. I had been teased because of that name even at my place if work as an computer engineer at company. But I would not change my name for anything in the world unless I get married which I am not.

I have three children who are werewolves and are very very mischievous. Well what do you expect from triplets who are identical and love using that to their advantage. But I am their mother and I know their little tricks and every night, I take them out into the forest to play and get familiar with the surroundings since they are going to grow up and be on their own and transform into their wolves especially in the full moon but I make sure that I feed them with a lot of meat to give them energy to play and sharpen their hunting skills. It would be a lot easier if they have father and if I was a werewolf myself which I am not because I am a human and I don't want to talk about how I got them because it will bring back a lot of painful memories.

Speaking of my children?

I look up and notice the lovely orange light from the sun in front of me. It will soon be dawn and they were not here yet. It was still dark so I used my flash light to go into the forest.

"Layla," I called as I walked my feet dodged the fallen branches and twigs.  "Brandon, George!"

I continue to walk going deeper into the forest. "Little Angels" I called using their pet names. That was what I called them, 'My Little Angels' and normally when I say that, they will come rushing to me. They loved their pet names.

"Little Angels?" I call my voice getting panicky. "Okay, stop this prank and come out."

Then George came rushing to meet me. "Where are your siblings?" I ask but stop when I look into his eyes. Those beautiful silver eyes were full of fear.

"Come and see," he said eerily as he dragged my hand. I followed him and after walking for a few minutes I felt something hit my stomach when I came face to face a huge wolf standing and my children were cowering before it. It was a huge wolf like creature with a huge claws. It looked like a human but it was wolf in other words, it looked like a human and a wolf merged together through some sick scientific experiment.

But I was not thinking about that, my mind trailed to a painful memory in my mind and I winced when I looked down at his torso which were covers with shorts.

"Mommy," I heard Lyla say as she held my pant leg. Then I looked and saw Brandon still staring wolf creature who was ten times his size. I whispered his name and he came to me and I signalled them to move backwards quietly. The only sound that was heard was the leaves crackling under us. I used my eyes to communicate with them to run at my signal and they understood. The creature came closer as we stepped back and when we got a good distance between us and it, we turned and ran.

We ran none stop until we reached the car it was a good thing it was unlocked so we opened the door and jumped in. I floored the pedal and speed down the highway, my heart pounding like a jackhammer.

We got home safe and sound and as I put my children to sleep, Lyla asked, "Mom, who is that?"

I sighed hesitating. "I am sorry honey," I said tenderly. "I don't know who that is."

It was lie and even my daughter knew it. You might have probably guessed who it was. Yep it was their father.

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