Chapter Nine

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Grey couldn't actually believe his luck when Abby agreed that he could come for dinner. He actually felt his wolf yelp for joy when she said yes but now he was faced with a new problem and that was Sandra.

"Where the hell do you think you are going?" she asked as Grey put on his sneakers.

"Out." was the only reply he could give her.

"That is it? That is your reply? Out?" she stood beside him as he reached out to get the other leg of his sneakers.

"Look Sandra, I don't have time for this 'cause I am going to be late." he did not want to tell her that she was seeing someone else or worse having children with another woman who was a human. Her brother made a law against them to having any relationship with a human and Grey knew that. He broke that law when he befriended Charles and had to explain his reason for it but this time, he had really crossed the line. Raping Abby was one thing, her having children for him was another but confessing?

"Grey!" he snapped his head to look at Sandra who blocked the door with her body.

"You did not answer my question."

"I am sorry what was it again?" he asked looking for car his keys.

"I asked you where you were going."

"I told you I am going out."

"You do this every night." she whined. "Every night you are either going out to the college or just out and when you get back, you are either up all night or sleeping on the couch."

"But I am here during those nights aren't I?" he said grabbing his keys. He did not need to worry about Abby's dairy because he kept it in his car. Now he had to worry about getting Sandra off his back.

"Grey you are not even listening to me. Grey!" she watched him as he shoved passed her, walked down the stairs and opened the front door. Without looking back at her, he entered his car and drove off.

"I have to throw her off some how." he said to himself as he drove down the street. He went to his favorite café  and sat down to order coffee. Then looking at the time, he realised that it was seven o clock and he had to leave if he wanted to make it to Abby's house in time for dinner. But he stopped on his way there and parked near the highway. There he got out of his car and began to walk into the deep and densed forest.

It was quiet inside the forest with crickets chirping but Grey paid no attention to that. His mind immediately flashed back to the event that happened five years ago. True he could not remember anything but the way Abby described it was enough for him to picture what happened.

'It was dark outside when I decided to take a walk into the forest to clear my head. I had a lot to think about but most of it was about by relationship with Eric. Mom said that he was not the right one for me but I did not care about it until now. I can't believe we had an argument over my career and I still can't believe he wanted me to be a full time housewife, I mean, he was not ashamed of saying it. He wanted me to sit around and do nothing but wait on him hand and foot. He wanted to do that to control my life! I didn't want that at as a result, our dinner date ended up in a disaster.

Mom told me to take a walk to clear my head so I took a walk in the forest which turned out to be one of the worst mistakes in me life. As I went deeper into the forest, I felt like I was being followed. I looked behind me but saw nothing but my instincts told me to go back home. I obeyed them and proceeded to go back when I heard a growl and when I turned, I saw a huge monster like creature which was in all ways bigger than me. I couldn't describe what it was at first because I ran immediately when I saw it. It chased me and it was getting closer because I could feel it's breath on my back. Suddenly it pounced on me, I turned over and tried to fight it off but a massive claw like hand pinned both of my hands together. I had to use my feet but I felt something crack and my leg exploding in pain. I screamed and looked into it eyes then I heard another crack and I passed out feeling some kind of pain in between my legs.

I don't remember anything but the pain I felt down there, but when I woke up I saw myself in the hospital. My legs where bandaged up and my head was spinning. My mom was there with me and she hugged me tightly. I asked what happened and she explained that she heard a scream and when she went to investigate, she saw a huge wolf like creature on top of me. I winced when she explained everything and told her to stop. I did not want to hear it. But then she dropped the bombshell on me: I was in a coma for close to a month and I was pregnant for that creature...'

When he read that, his mind flashed back to the familiar dream he had with him pouncing on something and it screaming. It was her. He did this to her. There and then, he decided that he would not come close to her or have anything to do with her. She deserved to be happy and he did not deserve to be anywhere near her or the kids. It was a sacrifice he was willing to make but it had some desirable consequences. He could not sleep without dreaming of his offspring and as a result, he was grumpy in the morning. His parental instincts drove him to the brink of madness that he swore he heard a Lyla crying out his name. He could not concentrate on his work and began to go out at night to clear his head. But despite everything and despite his guilty conscience, his wolf took over and made him call Abby. That night that he came over was just the tip of the iceberg what he faced during those three weeks was pure torture.

He stopped walking when he hears a whimpering sound and turning to the direction of the sound, he saw a grey wolf cub shivering at a corner of a tree. As he came closer, it's scent hit him full in the face.

"George?" the cub's ears perked up at the sound of its name and looked directly at him. "Is that really you?" he asked as the cub squeezed itself deeper into its corner.

"It is okay," he said squatting down to pet it. It instinctively moved away from him but after sniffing his hand, it allowed itself to be petted on the head.

Grey smiled but felt something gnaw him. He groaned and suddenly, he saw in black and white and looking up, he saw the full moon. He began to take off his clothes in a haste but only managed to take off his jacket when he heard a bone crack and get replaced with another one. His ears disappeared and something began to grow on his head as fur emerged from his body and his teeth began to grow longer and sharper, his nails growing longer as his hands transformed. He painfully began to grow bigger and bigger and he felt his spine rearrange itself as something painfully pushed out of his butt and his legs grew longer and bigger.

All this time, the cub watched as Grey screamed and groaned in pain. His ears pinned backwards as gave final yell which turned into a roar so loud that it echoed throughout the forest. Scared, the cub took off running in the opposite direction. It ran and ran until it came face to face with a pair of eyes. The cub stepped back making way for another wolf to appear out of the darkness. It's fur was black and it's eyes were wild with hunger. More and more wolves of its kind appeared baring it's yellow like teeth at it.

In fear, the cub ran off whimpering and howling for help and the wolves wasted no time chasing hit. The cub tried many twist and turns to throw them off but the wolves caught its scent and was able to track him down. Pretty soon it was backed to a huge rock with nowhere to go surrounded by the pack of black wolves who came closer and closer towards it. Ears pinned back and shivering it gave on last final howl which was followed by another bigger one, more louder than the rest.

Grey heard the first howl and wasted no time tracking down George and when he heard the howl again, he knew he was in danger and used it to finally find him surrounded by a pack of black wolves. Acting on instinct, he charged towards them slashing one on the face, giving it a nasty scare. The other wolves pounced on him but him being bigger and more human like, was able to beat them off. The wolves put up a good fight clawing, scratching and biting him but their actions just made him angrier. He went on full rampage hitting, clawing and scratching them until they were nothing but dead corpses. A few surrendered and ran off but the kill count was much.

George who watched everything, cowered when Grey came closer to him. Shaking, he tried to run off but Grey grabbed him holding him tight. George yelp and tried to pry himself free but to no avail. Grey held on until George was forced to turn back into a human.

Then a familiar voice was heard. "George?"

"Don't worry mom, he went over here."

George and Grey recognized those voices.

"Mom I am over here!" he screamed and Grey growled at him to prevent him shouting again. But Abby found them and dropped her torch in fear. Her kids to halted as well when they saw what beheld them.

"George are you... "

"Mom don't come any closer..."

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