Chapter Ten

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Abby's POV

"Mom, don't come any closer," George cautioned as I came closer.

I felt Lyla grip my leg as I came closer to the creature. I knew she did not want me to come any further to that creature but I had to for George's sake. I look at it then my eye trailed downwards it torso. Wow, I am still surprised that I am alive to see this day.

I push my thoughts aside, muster up courage and glare at the beast, staring at it in the eyes.

"Put him down." I ordered.

"Mom," the beast growled as he held George tighter. I was still afraid of it and I did not think that I would see it again after five years but now...

"Put him down now!" I ordered and to my surprise, it did. George sprang away from him and ran to Brandon shaking in fear. We backed up slowly and took off in the direction from which we came. In order to move faster, my children abandoned their clothing and turned into wolves. I did not care at the time because I was not the only one who heard the heavy footsteps behind us. We were getting closer to home when I was suddenly tackled and pinned down to the ground. My children stopped and looked as I tried to fight my way out of the beast grip. Brandon began to growl while Lyla hid behind him with her tail between her legs. Brandon barked and took two steps towards the creature.

"Brandon don't!" I screamed as he came closer and closer. The creature looked squarely at my son and did not move from where it was and growled. Brandon backed away and turned back.

I squirmed as I tried to pry myself free from its grip but I noticed that it began calm down as it's grip loosened from my arms. I felt relief as it got off me and stood on its hind legs, it began to walk towards the direction of our home.

"Wait," I said scrambling up to my feet.

"It is okay mom." Brandon said. I look down and notice that he had turned back to his human form. "It's okay,"

George transformed back and so did Lyla. I picked her up and wrapped her with my jacket. She fell asleep instantly in my arms.

We walked back home in silence and when we got there, we noticed that the creature had already made itself at home by eating everything on the dinner table. I was shocked and at the same time angry.

"What are you doing?" I screamed but my sons shushed me.

"Don't worry, we're not hungry." Brandon said. I looked at him and knew other wise, they were all hungry but sleep was lulling them and me. So we went upstairs leaving the beast downstairs. I put Lyla to sleep and the boys immediately passed out on the bed. As I tuck them in bed, I hear a sound coming from my bedroom and when I got there, I saw that creature roaming around there.

 "What are doing here?" I screamed. "Get out!"

It turned to me in response and came closer to me. When it was close enough, it stood on its hind legs, it's huge frame towering over me. I gulped as I stared into its silver eyes and it glared back at me.

"Oh my gosh," I gasped as I looked at it. How am I still alive? I mean this is the thing that raped me and I gave birth to three kids. I began to shiver as I went down Memory Lane that led to that night and the torture that was called pregnancy. I know I am suppose to feel joy when you are pregnant but when raw meat and blood are part of your cravings, you know you are in for a bumpy ride.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I did not notice a claw like hand reaching out to me and hold my face. I react by slapping the hand off. It growled, grabbed my hand and squeezed it hard. I wince in pain as it came over and placed it's muzzle on my cheek moving my hand onto it's chest. I felt a heartbeat and looked at it but before I could process what was happening, I was dragged to bed and held in a tight embrace. I tried to wiggle my way out of it but the more I tried, the tighter it held me.

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