Chapter Five

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Abby's POV

It was Saturday morning when my kids woke me up with a thump on my chest. Man, they are getting heavier by the minute.

"Mommy, mommy wake up." Brandon said shoving me. I turned around playfully and mumbled something about five more minutes.

But they were not having that.

"C'mon mom." I heard George say.

"Please," begged Lyla.

I smile in my pillow and continue to my with my charade. They began to jump on the bed making me bounce a little.

"C'mon mom!" George said but I did not budge. I tried my best not to give a snigger but a sound escaped from my mouth. But my kids planned another another attack. Before I could think, I was turned on my back, my hands pinned above me and my legs pinned to the bed and my belly attacked by tiny fingers tickling me.

"Okay, okay, I am up, I am up!" I screamed in between bouts of laughter. When Brandon finally stopped and my hands were relased, I reached out an grabbed him, pinning him down to the ground and tickling him.

"Mom please stop," he pleaded breathless, "I am gonna pee!"

But I new he was bluffing because he uses the toilet every time he wakes up. I continue to tickle him until a pillow hits the back of my head and my back. I turn to see George and Lyla armed with pillows and before I knew what was happening, we had a huge pillow fight with feathers flying everywhere and the bed scattered.

After we cleaned up and took a quick shower, we prepared ourselves for our day out. I was making pancakes when we heard a car park at our driveway then footsteps on the front porch then the door bell.

"I will get it!" Lyla said getting up from her chair and rushing to the front door. "Good morning sir."

"Good morning mind if I come in?" I hear Mr Stone say. I could see the living room through the kitchen door I was able to see him holding a huge teddy bear and some boxes which held some action figure toys.

I look at him with a smile. "Good morning Mr Stone, how are you?"

"I am fine thank you." he said putting the gifts on the kitchen counter. "I just thought I should pop by early so that I could give this to the kids."

I smiled but something hit me, why was he buying them gifts all of a sudden? I shake my head of any negative thoughts and continue to cook the pancakes.

"Mom, please can we have them?" George asked. I turn to see that they were all looking at me with pleading eyes.

"Okay, but you guys are playing with them when we get back. I know when you guys start playing, you will forget about your trip to the fair."

They thanked me, grabbed their gifts and rushed to drop it into their room.

Mr Stone grinned as they ran to their room. "You raised them well."


"You, you raised them well, I mean they had to ask you before they took the gifts from me." he said that with a tint of admiration.

I blushed as I put the pancake batter in the pan. "Yeah, I had to teach them to ask me before they take things from strangers. You know, they are alot of kidnappers these days."
'And I can't risk losing any of them.' I add not saying it out loud.

He smiled, "That is a wise policy."

"Yeah, sometimes I feel I am over protective."

There was no reply to that so I I continued to cook until I used up all the pancake batter. I serve the plates and see that there I left over pancakes left. I turn to Mr Stone.

"Are you hungry?" I ask smiling.

"Umm, no I am not. I ate before I came." was the reply.

Then there was a rumble and I smirked at him as he blushed. I have to admit, he looks cute when he blushes.

"Brandon was that you?" I hear Lyla say with disgust.

"No," Brandon protested. "Why do you think it's me?"

"Because you are a glutton." was the reply from both Lyla and George.

"At least I eat my vegetables and beans!" Brandon retorted sharply. "And I am growing healthy and strong while you guys weak."

"Hah, says the person I tackled last... "
his voice trailed off when he saw my eyes. He kept his mouth shut and bowed his head.

"Sorry mom," he said apologizing. I sigh with relief. Not only did he get into a fight with his brother, he nearly exposed our 'little secret' in front of a stranger. I cross my fingers in my head with hope that he won't be too curios to ask questions because I am not in the mood to lie.

"Actually it was me that made that sound." he said instead.

"Oh," Lyla said realising her mistakes. "Sorry Brandon."

"Yeah, sorry Brandon." George said repeating his sister's words.

"It's okay," he said smiling. "At least you did not call me fat."

We all laughed and had breakfast together and within a few minutes, we were all pilled inside his SUV and on our way to the fair.

We got there and my children wanted to try on all the rides. We went on the roller coaster, then on the bomber cars and we even played some games. Mr Stone won some toys for my children and even wanted to win some for me but I told him I could win my own and I proved it by going to a stand which had a game were you throw darts to pop the balloons. I popped all of them and won a cuddly panda.

"Wow, you are good." he said as I held my price with pride.

"Yeah, I practice at a bar." I say.

"Oh so you drink?"

I bite my lips thinking. 'What do I say? ' "Umm, I used to drink before I got pregnant."

"Oh," he said looking away from me thoughtfully. "Was it a one night stand?"

"Umm, no, I am not a heavy drinker." I pause. "I was raped." I say quietly clutching my panda.

Mr Stone looked at me with sympathy. "I... I am so sorry."

"No it is okay," I smile at least I survived. Then I see something or someone walking in the shadows. I frown as I notice how the person was avoiding the sunlight.

"Can you excuse me for a moment?" I say giving him the panda.

"Where are you going mommy," George asked.

"Mommy needs to use the bathroom." I reply. "Can I meet you at the Ferriswheel?"

"Sure," Mr Stone said. "C'mon kids."

I watched him walk away with my kids in the crowed and turned my attention to where the mysterious person went to. I follow where he or she went to and finally found her. It was a female. I watch from a safe distance and continue to stalk her. She was clearly avoiding the sun and was moving faster than a normal human beings but the fact that she was avoiding sun light and using the canopies and the shades to help her avoid the sun was my advantage so knew where she was going to go and she was not moving so fast.

I continue to stalk her until we came to a lonely place where no one was there. It was behind the one of the stalls that had a they game where you squirt a dolphin with water. I watched as she dragged out a dead body, dig her fangs into his neck and began to suck his blood.

Her back was turned to me and I used her feeding time as my opportunity to strike. Sneaking up behind her with a wooden stake sharpened to perfection I strike her on the neck. She turned to me making a hissing sound and I used this as an opportunity to strike her at the heart. She died instantly.

I look at the Vampire lying down on the floor and proceeded to cover my tracks. Dragging her body towards the light, I watched as her body got burned to ashes leaving only her clothes. Using a stick, I pick it them up and toss them at the body. I know it sounds heartless but I can do nothing about it. It was a male and the body was still fresh meaning, he was killed an hour ago. Picking up my wooden stake and hiding it in my clothes, I walk out of the place heading to the Ferriswheel.

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