Chapter Fourteen

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Abby's POV

'I can't believe I said that. I can't believe I said that.'

That had been my thought for the day as I drove to work and I am still thinking about it despite the fact that it had been three days since me and Grey had the agreement. The first day after that, we had to gather the kids and tell them everything, convincing them that nothing was going to change between us and they seemed to take it lightly. We all agreed that he would be visiting every weekend or if he has time to and that seemed to sit well with him although I stamped it at the back of my head that he would be visiting nearly every day because he was single. Or is he?

I shook that thought out of my mind and went over to my work station where I noticed that Steve my neighbor was gone. I looked over to our office gossip Julia, "Where is he?"

She sucked on her lollipop before responding, "He went on a vacation."

I kept silent, switched on my computer and got to work. I worked for the whole day until it was time to pick up the kids from kindergarten. I was packed up and left my work station and was standing in front of the elevator when Mr Damon, the person who was so desperate to buy our software company, approached me.

"Why Mrs Abby it is a pleasure to see you here." he said as I pressed the elevator button.

"I should say the same to you." I responded. The elevator came up and when it opened, I found it empty meaning I will have to endure the whole ride down to the ground floor with him. This should be easy right?

We entered and rode the elevator in silence. Lucky for me, people began to fill up the elevator little by little. Soon it was crowded but not to crowded that I had to be struggling for space and to be frank, I hated that and it triggered an invent that happened a few years back. there was a cooperate party held in a hotel plaza downtown and i happened to be invited by Julia who complained that I needed a break from the whole parenting thing. So I left my kids with my mother and went over to the party which was held at the first floor of the building. I came a bit late and just as the elevator was about to close, I stepped in. It was packed to the brim and people were constantly trying to adjust to the space and it did not help that I was wearing a mini black dress with stilettos which had extremely thin heels making me unable to walk but what was worse, was when some one farted and the place boomed like baked beans. We finally made it to the party and I felt like I took a trip down the stairs instead not to mention that my perfume was ruined by bad smell in there. But I had to admit, I did have great time.

I was thinking about this when I felt a hand grab my butt. I moved and discovered who the culprit was; Mr Damon. He did not make eye contact with me for the rest of the trip until, we reached the ground floor.

"My, that was a bit slow for an elevator," he said in his thick British Accent. 

I looked at him, "Where you expecting it to be fast for you sir?"

"Not really," he responded escorting me to the exist. "It could have some bad reciprocation."


"The power being out and you being stuck there until the power comes back." he said making his point. "Elevators at my place can go faster than the elevators here."

I knew he was trying to engage me in a discussion to get to know more about me. "I still don't see the issue with the whole elevator stuff."

He smiled. "You will see when I have that place fixed."

"You have not bought us yet." I reminded him.

"I will soon," then he paused. "So, how are the little rugrats?"

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