Chapter Thirteen

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Grey gulped as he saw Abby standing in front of the kitchen. He meant to sneak out the back door without waking her up but thanks to him knocking a ceramic cup off the table he had woken up her up and was very scared if what might happen next.

"What are you doing here?" she asked practically screaming at him while he was looking for an excuse. When none was given, she told him to leave.

"Abby I..." he began but she did not want to here it.

"Get out Grey," she repeated pointing to the door.

"Please," he said moving closer to her but she moved backwards. He continued to do this until he finally grabbed her and held her in his arms. Abby struggled to release herself from his grasp but he was too strong and thanks to her short stature, he was practically giving her a bear hug.

"Abby, let me explain please," he pleaded as she struggled. "Please Abby hear me out!"

This went on for thirty minutes until she finally tired herself out. She looked at him and burst into tears weeping in his chest. Grey held her as she cried and when her cries turned into sobbing, he carried her to the room and laid her on the bed still hugging her. She slept while he watched her and could not help but smile; she slept like a baby in his arms and he loved the way he held her. The only time he shared such an intimate moment like that was with Anastasia but he never did that with Sandra because she did not like being held while she slept and since Grey was used to spooning, it made it hard for him to sleep. He eventually had to adjust to this but that made him feel lonely inside him making his wolf yearn for intimacy, not like he'd ever had it and making him feel like he had wasted his time and energy with her.

'She's beautiful isn't she?' his wolf mused.

Grey smiled in agreement. "Yes she is." he whispered as he began to stroke her head; his fingers combing through her hair. "She is beautiful."

'And she makes beautiful pups too,' his wolf added. 'I wonder if she can make another set of them.'

Grey frowned at that statement. "Is that all you think about?"

'I can tell that was what you were thinking when she stepped into the kitchen.'

Grey blushed at that statement and looked at down at Abby's body; her transparent night gown revealing a lot more detail in the morning light. When noticed that he was still staring looked away. "I am married."

His wolf growled. 'Yeah right. Married to someone who has a lot of male werewolves scent all over her. Face it Grey, we both hate her.'

He frowned but had no choice but to agree that he did hate Sandra. He did not really like her when he tied the knot with her but he hoped that she was going to help him recover from the fact that he just lost his mate; the love of his life, a tragedy that made him go into depression for many years but she didn't. For the first year of their marriage, things had been going well but after the second year, it went completely wrong. She began to cheat on him with other men and was nagging him basically all day. It did not help that she did not know how to cook but the fact that she practically left the house chores for him made it clear that she lazy. He complained but her brother Damion was always defending he to the point he just gave up and wondered if it was because of the fact that he wanted kids. Now he was glad that they didn't because she would have been a terrible mother, dumping the children on him. All these things about her made him  to hate being near her, talking to her and even sleeping with her. He hid his hatred well but it began to show as she was sucking the life out of him both mentally and physically but what made it worse was the fact that she knew but did not care about him or his feelings which made made him wish he had just divorced her and moved on with his life. But that was easier said than done if she was not the sister of the dreaded alpha and now that he just found out that he is an Iycan with three children and a mother, things were going to be a lot more complicated.

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