Chapter Eleven

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Three more weeks had passed and Grey had not heard anything from Abby as he continued to blame himself and his wolf for what happened. If he had not turned into that creature that night, things would not have been complicated. He wanted to tell her everything, his parental instincts, how he stole her diary and how his wolf was driving him crazy. He hoped that they would settle for a compromise: he would be allowed to see his children but would not dwell into her private life. He did not care if that compromise would drive his wolf crazy but as long as he was able to see his children and he had his own life with Sandra to think about so that compromise would be good to say the least.

But the only one who did not want to agree to that compromise was the creature that was in him, his Iycan. It disagreed entirely with his plan for reasons best known to it. They had a mental argument but it ended with Grey sticking to his plan which failed because of the timing. He decided to meet her when the full moon was out and to make matters worse, he knew that it was full moon but was not worried about it since he had the ability to control himself when the full moon. He was so confident about everything but the beast in him made it clear that he was not as close as confident as he thought he was. All Grey could remember was finding one of his children lost in the woods that night, a sharp pain on his stomach and that was it. He later woke up naked in bed holding Abby. It did not help that his attempts on explaining were futile or the fact that Abby slapped him on the face and told him to get out. He knew she had a mental breakdown when he saw her sleeping on the couch but he had no choice but to leave her alone and take the kids out for their breakfast. Despite everything, he was still unable to hold a conversation with them which bummed him the more and the fact that one of the children, Brandon was looking at him with suspicion, made the meeting even more awkward but at least he told them that he was their father.

Grey sighed as he put the papers into the file cabinet in his office. He had just finished grading the students projects and was planning to go home when Charles walked in.

"Good afternoon Mr. Stone," he greeted.

"Good afternoon Charles," Grey replied rubbing his eyes.

"Tired already are we?" he said smiling. "Not to mention that you have already finished you work for today."

Grey smiled. "I had to finish quickly so that I can grade their exams." he paused, "Speaking of which, when are they scheduled?"

Charles thought for a moment and sighed. "Next month."

"I thought it was next week."

"Yes, but there was an issue with the grading system. The software had been attacked with a computer virus corrupting all the files. I have rectified the problem but, it is going to take a long time recovering those files so, the exams have been postponed until next month."

Grey chucked. "I can tell most of the students are celebrating."

"Ah, all of them are." then Charles frowned. "What is wrong with you?"

"Huh?" Grey asked pretending.

"You are not yourself these days. What is the problem?"

Grey sighed and rubbed his temple. How was he going to put this the Charles, in other words, how was he going to lie about his condition?

"I don't want to talk about it Charles. I am sorry." he said quickly.

To his surprise, Charles nodded, told him to take care of himself and left his office. Grey sighed with relief and was packing up when he heard a knock on the door.

"Yes come in." he said still keeping his head down. The door opened followed by a familiar scent of almonds.

"Umm, excuse me," a familiar voice called out. Grey looked up and saw Mrs. Smith, the school's secretary standing before his desk. She had slightly broad shoulders a perm hair style that did not comment he brown hair and brown eyes. She was thin and wore a blue suit and had modest make up on her face. All in all, this made her pretty in her own way the way Grey would look at it.

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