Chapter Twelve

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Abby's POV

I woke up very early in the morning and tiptoed to my kids bedroom holding a toy trumpet and a pin on one hand and a huge balloon filled with confetti on the other. With a huge grin on my face, I silently opened the door and peeked inside; they were still asleep, good. I quietly snuck in, popped the balloon and blew the trumpet.

"Happy Birthday!" I screamed as I watched them scramble out of bed in shock and what made me laugh was when Brandon got tangled up in the bedsheets and fell off the bed.

"Mom!" they screamed pouncing on me getting their revenge by giving me a tickle fest. Screaming and laughing I apologized as begged them to stop.

"Okay, okay, I... I..." I laughed again. "I am so sorry!" I said with tears in my eyes.

They finally stopped and hugged me. "Thank you mom." George said.

"But don't do that again," Lyla warned.

"Yeah, you nearly gave us a heart attack." scolded Brandon.

I laughed. " Well that is pay back for the surprise you gave me last year."

"Oh!" they all said in unison as they remembered how they made me rush out in the cold morning into the forest because Brandon was 'drowning in the river'. Not only did I get myself wet, they fished me out and yelled 'Happy Birthday'. I asked them why they did that and their reply was that they wanted me to feel 'young again' because I complained that I was getting old.

I wonder where they got that idea from?

Those were my thoughts as I began to prepare for the party for them and their friends. I got the cookies backing in the oven, followed by some cupcakes and all of it was chocolate. The only thing that was not chocolate was the birthday cake which was a red velvet sponge cake. Lyla came to help me in the kitchen while the boys helped with the decorations. I did most of the cooking but Lyla was helping me to whisk the eggs and sift the flour. 

I just put the cakes in the oven when I heard the door bell ring, so I opened it and saw that it was Jake, one of Lyla's friends in school.

"Oh hello Jake," I said opening the door wider for him. "You are here early."

"Yeah, my mom had to go to the saloon so she decided to bring me here early." came the reply from the freckled red haired boy. "Also, she told me to give you her phone number so that you can call her to pick me up when the party is over." he added handing me a piece of paper which held the phone number of the boys mother.

"Sure thing." I stuck the phone number on the fridge using a fridge magnet and went back to work working on the Caribbean Rice for the party. I knew my kids loved meat but this year, we were going to have a lot of beans instead. They maybe werewolves but sometimes, they need another alternative for meat.

"Lyla and Jake sitting on a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" came a chant in the living room followed by a giggle.

"Mom, Brandon and George are at it again!" Lyla screamed which followed by a yell, "Tattletale!"

I laughed. "All right kids, that is enough. Go out and keep an eye out for Mrs. Heidi. She ought to be here by now setting up the garden decorations for the party. Lyla, can you and Jake help me out with the lemonade?"

I heard my two boys bound outside while Lyla and Jake entering the kitchen. Lyla got to work squeezing the lemons while Jake helped me to chop the vegetables for the rice.

"Umm, Mrs.?" Jake called politely and when I answered, he asked me if I put any peanuts in the cake.

"No honey," I replied smiling. "Lyla told me about your allergies so I did not put it in the cake." I looked at Layla who was blushing as she squeezed the last lemon her face grew redder when he complimented her on how strong she was. I sighed; my young girl is already having a crush at this tender age and who knows what will happen next? I just hope her wolf would not let her do something stupid like her father.

After a few hours of preparation, we finally got ready for the party. It was very hard to control the children on my own which was why I was grateful for some parents to who came over to help me out. Some of the kids were unruly especially my boys who developed a habit of taking off their shirts and running around half naked. Thank God they did not do that again if not, I was going to be totally embarrassed. The party was a blast and the kids devoured every single thing I made in the morning and including the birthday cake. They were fun games like sack racing, one footrace, football and kite flying. I saw the whole thing on the internet about getting the kids together to make kites of their own and it turned out to be a success although some of their kites did not fly, they still had fun making them.

Finally the party was over and all the kids went home. A few of the parents stayed behind to help me clean up the place and which I was really grateful for because the place was very messy. Half of the work was done when nightfall came and the lesser work to be done in the morning. 

"Thank you so much Mrs. Johnson." I said again as she entered her car.

"No trouble at all darling." She replied. Then she heard a wolf howl. "I did not know we had wolves here."

"Yeah, me neither." I responded nervously hopping that my children will not howl back but they did making it a loud one followed by giggling. Luckily, Mrs. Johnson said nothing and drove off leaving me to sigh with relief. I walked into the house and straight to my bedroom to sleep. The   children were making a lot of noise in their bedroom but I decided to ignore them. It was birthday and they had the whole night to enjoy themselves and play with their presents as long as they did not transform into wolves and go out in the woods. 

I finally fell asleep but it did not last long because of the nagging feeling that someone was in my house. I ignored it until I heard a glass break and sprang out of the bed. Looking at the time, I saw that it was five in the morning; too early for my kids to be awake after playing the whole night. Tiptoeing to the downstairs, I saw the kitchen light was switched on and when I peeped inside I saw someone that ruined my mood immediately: Grey Stone.            

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