Chapter Three

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Abby's POV

I was asleep when I heard my bedroom open. Then I felt the extra weight on the bed as someone climbed on it. Then I felt extra weight on my chest, my side and my laps. I smile as I open my eyes to see my children take their usual position on my body.

They have been doing that ever since they born. When they were babies, the would cry unless I pile them on each other. This went on until they  were two years old and had the ability to climb out of the crib (I don't know how they did that) and started sneaking in my room and climbing on the bed.

I will never forget the first time they snuck into my room. I was woken up with a whimpering sound and when I looked down, I saw them looking at me with the cutest eyes any baby could give. So I put them on the bed and slept of and the next day, I woke up to them piled on my stomach.

At first I did not know why they did that until I read the book my mother gave me and discovered that they get really attached to their mother at a young age and they feel more secure with her around. I still could not find an explanation to why they sleep piled up like that until I looked at the picture of the ultrasound and grinned.  They slept like they are in the womb and they continued until the clocked three years of age. Now they sneak inside to sleep beside me and I am okay with it as long as they do not pile themselves on my stomach I am alright.

I turned to my side and I felt one grip my leg tighter as if begging me not to leave. We stayed like that until my alarm woke me up. I yawned and slipped out of my children's embrace and went to the bathroom. There, I performed the necessary morning duties such and went straight to the kitchen to make them breakfast and prepare their lunch boxes for school. Yep they go to school. I know I should be home schooling them because they are werewolves but I want them to have a normal childhood and as long as they keep a low profile, there will be no issues.

I was just done with the pancakes when they entered the kitchen.

"Good morning mama." they said in unison.

"Good morning my little angels." I said putting their plate of pancakes in front of them.

"So, ready for school?" I ask in a cherry tune.

They all moaned. "I wish it was a weekend." George said picking up his pancake and devouring it.

"Yeah," Brandon said drinking his milk first before eating his.

Layla just shrugged and began to use a fork to eat her pancakes. She was not a talkative type and normally let her brothers make decisions for her but I am not worried. They love her so much that they would gladly risk their lives for her and I can back that up with a time they attacked a boy for teasing her.

Well the only time she will worry about it is when she gets her first boyfriend and will be when they hit their teenage years.

I finish my coffee and head upstairs to change into a black T shirt, brown jeans, white shoes and a brown jacket. I brush my hair apply make up grab my bag, keys and head downstairs. They were already by the door waiting for me.

"Okay, let's go." I said opening the door. As we go to the car, I pause as my instincts perk up. I look down and see that the two boys had already ushered their sister in and are looking around.

"See anything?" I ask as I look around.

"No," Brandon said.

"But someone was here." George said opening the car.

I frown as I entered the car. I drive carefully out of the drive way and on to the street. As we drove, I put out the radio to listen to the news and the weather report. I relax as I reach the city and the school. I park my car and unlocked the door so that they can open it and walk out.

"What, no goodbye kiss?" I whine. They all turn and give me a kiss one on the left and right cheek and on the right cheek again.

After dropping them off, I drove to my work place at the software company. Work was boring as always but I loved the lively atmosphere there. It is either one is cracking some lame joke or one is pranking another. I was not a fan of pranks but I loved the jokes especially the one Steve cracks up at any given opportunity.

I work until two in the afternoon and go to my boss' office to ask if he agreed to my request to work from home and he agreed. Now, I can spend more time with my children although it is gonna get too quiet with my kids in school. Gosh could this day get any better?

I walk out to the exit and bumped into Julia or can I say our office gossip.

"Hey I heard you got permission to work from home, congratulations."

I smile. "Thanks."

"So no more of you I guess," she added pouting.

"Oh no you will be seeing me from time to time."

"Oh yeah sure." we hear a noise and we turned to see a man wearing a suit walk passed towards us. He was tall masculine with jet black hair and brown eyes and a structured face.

"Good afternoon Mr Damon," Julia said in a very cheery like way.

"Good afternoon Julia," he said as he stopped to shake her hands. "And you must be Abby," he said shaking my hand. "Pleased to meet you."

"Pleased to meet you to." I reply then I felt something swipe my hand and got a tingling sensation in my spine.

"Well I can tell you guys must be going to your respected homes I guess?" he asked.

"Umm, no I am staying here, she is going to school to pick up her three children." Julia corrected.

"Oh so you are married?"

"No," I say wishing I was actually  married, "I am a single mom."

"That is really odd, you look more like a single lady than a single mother." he said. Then a young woman who I guessed was his secretary came to him and told him something about a meeting. He excused himself and left.

We watched him leave, "He looks hot doesn't he?"

"Yeah," I said rolling my eyes, "With the fake British accent."

"C'mon girl, don't you know that men like that are the ones that turn a woman on." then she smiled. "I think he likes you."

"You must be kidding, he wants to buy our company."

"Correction, our boss wants to partner up with him to expand the company and mere looking at you, he may seal the deal."

We were already at the exit and on our way to the parking lot when I see car parked beside mine with a familiar figure standing beside it. I take a closer look and see it was Mr Stone.

Why I'm I suddenly a man magnet?

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