Chapter Six

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Grey waited for for Abby at the ferriswheel. He was getting kinda impatient because he had seized the opportunity to talk to her alone.

'I want to know what happened to her. But why does she jog my memory?' he thought to himself.

"Look it is mommy!" Brandon yelled as Abby came into view, emerging from the crowed. The triplets all ran to hug her as if she just came back from a long trip.

"Aww, you guys missed me?" Abby said jokingly. "But I was only gone for like five minutes."

"But it seemed longer to us." George said nuzzling close to her. Grey witnessed the whole thing and could not help but feel left out in all the affection. His parental instincts began to gnaw him like a dog gnawing a bone and his wolf began to whimper deep down in him bringing tears to his eyes.

"Umm sir, what is the matter?" Lyla said bringing Grey's attention. Grey looked at her with soft silver eyes matching his daughter's.

"Are you okay?" Lyla asked as Grey proceeded to hug her.

"Yeah," he responded trying his best not to choke on his own tears. "Yeah, I am fine."

"Okay," she replied hugging him back, her scent driving his wolf crazy.

Then Abby spoke drawing their attention. "Okay guys, let's get on the ferriswheel alright?"

The three triplets yelled happily and waited as Abby paid for the tickets and the ride came to a stop. They got in and to Grey's disappointment, he saw himself ridding with someone else while Abby rode with George and  Lyla rode with Brandon. His plan failed. He wanted to ask what really happened. She said she was raped but  by an Iycan? Those where his thoughts as the ferriswheel spun round and round.

'If she was raped then why do the kids have my scent?' he thought. Then he remembered what the security guard at the supermarket said: "You guys are peaceful but vengeful creatures. You are faithful but you hate betrayal." What on earth does that mean? He knows werewolves naturally are faithful (at least some of them) but they are never vengeful. Revenge was not in their criteria unless someone did something very wrong like killing ones mate. But werewolves were understanding when it came with issues of betrayal or are they?

Grey groaned as the ferriswheel stoped. He got out with all these questions in his head and all of them needed answers. But sitting around and asking them all over again won't help. He waited for Abby and the children to come down from the ride and since it was getting dark, it was time for them to go home.

More likely, time for him to go home.

He drove Abby back home in silence. He was so silent that the ride home between them felt awkward and the children added it more when they were making childish whispers to one another asking if their mom liked the nice man that drove took them to the fair. It all resulted to alot of giggles and a lot of shushing. Abby blushed at what they were saying and Grey got butterflies in his tummy when he saw the pink hue on Abby's face. This went on until he got to their house and dropped them off.

"Goodnight," he said hugging Abby who was shocked that he hugged her and his hug was a tight one.

"Umm yeah," She said still choking from the hug. "Good night."

The children cooed as the hug lasted a little longer and began to whisper again to each other. They stayed there until Abby entered the house with them following her. Grey stayed there itching to go in, itching to hug her in his arms again. He began to debate weather to ask if he could stay the night or just go home when Lucas communicated to him through the mind link telling him he was late for the meeting.

'Yeah, yeah I am on my way.' he responded as he jumped into his car and drove off. His wolf whimpered as the house disappeared from the view and tears fell from his eyes blurring his vision. He only accomplished a little information about his children today and there for had nothing. The one thing he did accomplish was his parental instincts kicking in and he knew very well his wolf would go crazy if he does not see his supposed children again.

He got home just to see Lucas waiting anxiously for him. He knew he was late.

"What happened to you?" he asked as Grey got out of the car. "You were gone for a whole day!"

"Don't worry Lucas I am fine." he said as he walked into the house.

"Are you sure about that buddy?" he asked again. "You sound like you have a cold or something." he paused as he looked at Grey straight in the face. "Are you crying?"

It was then that Grey noticed the stream of tears running down his face  and sighed. He tried to wipe them off but more still came making him sob the more.

"It is about Anastasia right?" he asked. Grey's only response was a full blown cry and Lucas quickly hugged him. He had been his friend ever since they were cubs and he knew Grey like the back of his hand. He also knew Grey's mate Anastasia who died after her and her pack were outnumbered by rouges. Before they could get there, half of her pack was killed including her. As if that was not enough, they had been married for only three months and she was pregnant for him. The thought of him losing her and his unborn child made him go into depression.

But Lucas stood by him and supported him. He was even against the marriage between him and Sandra and he knew deep down she was doing more harm to Grey than good. He was not allowed to pry into his friend's martial affairs bit his instincts and the look on Grey's face said it all that he was slowly turning into a shadow of his former self.

Grey stopped crying and wiped his tears and mumbled a 'thank you' as he walked to the bathroom. He washed his face and went for the pack meeting. It was about the rouges again but his mind was far away from  what they were saying and when the meeting was over, he went back home but decided against sleeping on the same bed with Sandra.

"But why!" she whined as he took the extra blanket from the closet.

"Because I am not comfortable with sleeping with you." he replied firmly.

She huffed then smiled. "I can make you comfortable." she said walking to him. Kissing him, she put her hand in around his waist and snaked her other hand under his shirt and on his chest her ears itching to hear his wolf growl.

But nothing happened. Instead, Grey broke the kiss, held both of her arms and looked her straight in the eye.
"Who was he?"

Sandra stared back at him. "What are you talking about?" she asked innocently.

"He was here again wasn't he?"



Sandra backed away from him and held herself in a protective manner. "I don't know what you are talking about."

"Don't lie to me, his scent is all over this room."

"And so?" she asked defensively.

Grey held his tongue and searched for his anger but he could not find any. Instead he grabbed the blanket and walked away. He knew that arguing with her would only make things worse for she would not deny the fact that she was having and affair. Hec this was not the first time she did this. He told her brother, his Alpha and he just shrugged it of and took her side. He hated it and most importantly grew to hate her.

He sighed as he lied down on the couch in the living room. Once again he searched for his anger and found that it had disappeared and was replaced with relief as a smile played on his lips.

He could use this as an excuse to probably marry Abby.

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